There should be a trigger warning for documentaries that incorporate footage from the 2016 presidential election. As I was watching Kate Novack's The Gospel Accordi
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Bruce LaBruce's latest spirited provocation marks the cult director's second literalization of the sexual revolution. Like 2004's The Raspberry Reich, a satire of wh
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When an actress disappears from mainstream movies, one often asks, What happened to her? For Rosanna Arquette, it may be assumed that her many credits in independen
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Saturday, May 26The luminescent Norma Talmadge was a hugely popular silent movie star whose prominence waned with the advent of talkies. After two straight box offic
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Anthony Byrne's London-set spy thriller In Darkness opens with an extreme close-up on a woman's eye, mascaraed lashes thick and beautiful and its lid shuddering in
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Those who write about the sprawling history of Los Angeles have, it would seem, almost too much to choose from, to sort out and to leave out. One recent online piec
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Unless you've been living under a rock ? or have been lost in some WiFi-less, dark forest ? then you've probably heard by now that Netflix announced Monday that the
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Jennifer Peedom's 70-minute big-screen reverie Mountain inspires something that the biggest, purportedly most awesome? movies of our era just can't stir: awe. The
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Yes, there's a scene in Bill Holderman's Boomer-ensemble romantic comedy Book Club where the perpetually promiscuous bachelorette Vivian (Jane Fonda) has to shut up
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I want to tell you about the ending of Alexandros Avranas' dirty-cop-and-sex-dungeons thriller Dark Crimes, because it's a startlingly poignant and genuinely surpr
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Don't let the title fool you. Despite 20 or so bookending minutes in which photographer and artist Peter Beard reflects over old photos and some alluring footage ab
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Friday, May 18The slow-burn farces of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy are timeless in their exuberant silliness. That's why they seem to play better to kids today
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