CBD For Your Skeleton  The Surprising Science Of CBD For Bone Strength

CBD For Your Skeleton The Surprising Science Of CBD For Bone Strength


This article was originally published on Blue Ribbon Hemp. To view the original article, click here.

As we age, it gets increasingly difficult to maintain peak bone health. In fact, the NIH estimates at least 10 million adults in the USA have osteoporosis. With this disorder, patients have significantly less bone density. In the event of a bump, trip, or fall, osteoporosis patients could easily wind up with a debilitating fracture.

Although there are dozens of ways to improve bone health, CBD has emerged as a potential osteoporosis treatment option. While CBD on its own may not cure bone-related conditions, there's enough evidence to suggest it could play a positive role in senior health.

What Do Researchers Say About CBD For Bone Strength?

One of the most in-depth reports on CBD for bone health took place at Israel's Tel Aviv University. In this study, researchers examined rats with fractured femurs after giving them CBD or a mix of CBD and THC. Interestingly, both rat groups showed a statistically significant improvement with these therapies.

These findings suggest CBD helps enhance the body's natural re-mineralization process. Israeli scientists also believe our bones have natural cannabinoid receptors that are positively associated with CBD molecules.

Most surprisingly, doctors claimed the rats had stronger bones after their CBD therapy. If these findings are valid, it suggests CBD has significant bone-strengthening effects. Study authors urged the scientific community to further research CBD for osteoporosis.

Could CBD Oil Also Help With Osteoarthritis??

Osteoarthritis is another common bone-related condition that CBD may positively affect. To date, Cornell University published the most convincing report on using CBD for osteoarthritis. In this trial, veterinarians asked pet owners to feed their senior dogs with either CBD oil or a placebo. Study authors examined each dog for general fitness at regular intervals.

Impressively, the dogs who took CBD oil showed a greater improvement in joint health than those in the placebo group. Doctors also said these dogs had a greater average activity level, possibly enhancing CBD's effects.

Medical authorities always recommend regular exercise to ward off bone-related conditions like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. However, many people with these conditions are in so much pain that they can't get motivated to run. It appears CBD's anti-inflammatory effects could help break this vicious cycle and help seniors (either humans or pets!) get back in shape.

By the way, if you'd like to learn more about how to use CBD for aging dogs, be sure to check out Blue Ribbon Hemp's dog-friendly CBD tincture.

Add Blue Ribbon Hemp's CBD To Your Bone Health Strategy?

As more studies get released, it's hard for mainstream scientists to deny CBD has a relationship with bone health. Although we don't know how CBD oil affects our bones, there's enough evidence that suggests it could help with recovery and maintenance. Any seniors concerned with bone health should ask their doctor whether Blue Ribbon Hemp CBD oil fits into their wellness program.

Please remember that CBD oil could interact with other medications or supplements. So, if your doctor prescribed you pills for bone health, you must speak with him or her before trying CBD oil. Only your physician will know how to safely work CBD oil into your daily routine.

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