Che Bell: The Next Feared Figure in Finance

Che Bell: The Next Feared Figure in Finance


From banking to buyouts and trading, older people dominate the world of money, which makes most believe that you cannot command a lot of wealth as a young person. But a few young people have been challenging this belief. One of these people is 17-year-old Che Bell. Che Bell has built a solid financial and fintech brand, securing a place amongst Australia's top 25 wealthiest teenagers. He has worked on several top projects, including Chibi Dinos, Cubex, and Gambling Apes.

At the beginning of 2021, Che was hired by Chibi Dinos to moderate their digital servers and handle staff management. Before this, Bell had laid his roots in the NFT space. He developed an interest in NFT when the topic was still new and decided to give it a go. His skills and success caught the attention of top players in the industry, and he started getting job offers.

Che stayed at Chibi Dinos for around 5 months helping the company generate 8 million (3M upon its release and 5M after). He then moved to Gambling Apes, a project using cryptocurrency to revolutionize gambling by releasing an IOS app. The app features a brand-new casino system. They were also planning to release a second casino in the metaverse by the end of the year (2021).

Che began as a staff manager and lead of marketing at Gambling Apes, helping them achieve this goal. By the time he resigned, Gambling Ape's valuation was more than $30,000,000.

Che loves experimenting and challenging his limits, and after some time working on other projects, he wanted to try something new. According to him, he wanted something he could call his own, which would help bring his ideas to life and redefine the NFT space.

After some market research, Che released his first NFT project, Cubex. The project was a huge success creating history in the NFT space. Cubex was respected amongst the NFT community for pushing boundaries and choosing to put the work in and step up the game. It was one of the first NFT projects to be paid for straight out-of-pocket, with the artwork costing $200,000.

Cubex was released and sold out on June 24, 2022, generating more than $5,000,000 upon release. It was then acquired by ChainTechLabs, a dominant and leading company in the NFT industry with a market evaluation of more than $250,000,000. The amount for which Cubex was sold remains undisclosed.

Che is currently working on other projects. He says he intends to pursue hundreds of business ventures across different industries before he retires or even considers anything like that as he shows other young people that age is just a number and shouldn't hold you back.

It is common for people to underestimate you because of your age or think that you got to where you are just because of luck, Che says. But you shouldn't let what others think get to you. He adds that almost every industry will always be dominated by a certain group or class of people. But if you prove to them that you also have the skills to work in the industry, then nothing else should matter other than the work you provide.

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