Deloitte Consulting announces A New Operating Model for the Workforce

Deloitte Consulting announces A New Operating Model for the Workforce

Deloitte Consulting, a business consulting and services platform has recently released an online magazine that discusses its latest engagements, trends, and surveys. In one of its most recent releases, the company discusses its newest operating model for work and the workforce known as “the skills-based organization.”

According to a global Deloitte survey of more than 1,200 professionals, organizations are increasingly experimenting with what they hope will lead to new innovative ideas and services. There is an increased number of individuals who feel that they are defined by their jobs and instead hope to be seen as whole individuals with skills and capabilities that can be fluidly deployed to work that matches their interests. By atomizing jobs into projects or tasks, or similarly, broadening said projects so that they focus on problems and their solutions, Deloitte is hoping that this new model will maintain a scalable, manageable, and more fair method of operating.


Kireeti Gudipati, a manager with Deloitte Consulting, has been working to provide businesses with a detailed roadmap to marketing themselves through the company’s latest development. Deloitte will be able to follow clients through every step of their business journey in transforming them from organizing and curating a strategy as well as implementation.

Deloitte aims to drive progress. With new firms deploying regularly, and current offices located in over 106 cities in the United States alone, Deloitte combines advice with action.

Holding both a leading and critical role in the company, Kireeti Gudipati is responsible for designing and architecting innovative and transformative cloud-based technology solutions that address next-generational needs. In their latest interaction of developments soon to launch, Gudipati has expressed his excitement over his ability to implement these new strategies and technologies into the consulting platform.

“The data needs of a company, large or small, are of high importance when you’re thinking about the longevity of these brands,” Kireeti says. “Industries are finding a new life thanks to analytics, and many of those who are staying in the past are dying out. And in a digital space that grows more crowded, a lot of our clients have come to realize the immense value that a comprehensive IT system holds.”

Kireeti also notes that throughout his life, he tends to live by the quote, "Opportunity lies in the place where complaints are,” spoken by Jack Ma, co-founder of Alibaba Group. As a solution finder and manager, this has rung true in everything that Kireeti works within.

By refocusing work around the people doing it and the skills required to do so—and supplying the necessary skills training—Deloitte hopes to increase employability. Skills-based organizations can promote equity, agility and a higher rate of employee retention.

With these new developments, Deloitte is excited to see their models being used in businesses around the world, as they hope to continue advocating for innovation and discovery.

Deloitte Consulting is a business consulting and services platform. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. For more information about Deloitte Consulting, visit their website.

 Kireeti Gudipati

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