DUI Crackdown Hits L.A. Tonight

The Los Angeles Police Department is planning another spring DUI crackdown this weekend.

Spending April 1 in jail will make you a special kind of fool, especially because we warned you that cops would be on the hunt.

The LAPD says that warning you about where they'll be on the lookout for drunk drivers might prevent you from getting behind the wheel after one too many.

These operations are effective, authorities claim. Cops certainly aren't fooling around. Last weekend's DUI checkpoint in Palmdale, for example, netted 13 arrests, the L.A. Sheriff's Department says.

Here's your DUI crackdown info for the weekend, according to the LAPD:

-Tonight from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. a checkpoint will be awaiting your arrival on Manchester Avenue and Denver Avenue in South Los Angeles.

-Saturday from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. extra cops will hit the streets of the LAPD's Harbor Division area, which includes San Pedro, Wilmington and part of Harbor Gateway. The department calls this a DUI "saturation patrol."

Be safe.

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