As a mom of two, I always wonder what exactly to put in my kids' Easter baskets. I’m not a big fan of just filling it all up with sugar and candy. I like to find little goodies that they can continue to play with and be excited about. I found some really cool little gift ideas that I would love to share with you all. Here are a few fun toys that all the kids will love in their baskets this holiday! Little Live Pets Surprise Chick Playset ($24.99; 4-8 years old) No need to keep Surprise Chick “cooped” up at home, take it everywhere in the Little Live Pets Surprise Chick House. The playset lets the chicks hop and explore right outside their own front door. The Surprise Chick House playset comes with one of two Surprise Chicks with soft flocked skin and wings themed as either Donut or Cherry Blossom. Treasure X Dino Gold Dino Hunter ($9.99; ages 5+) Prepare to crack into some prehistoric playtime fun and adventure with the all-new Treasure X Dino Gold Dino Hunter with new dinos, a new Dino Ooze compound, new treasures and an all-new way to play. Magic Mixies Color Surprise Magic Cauldron ($19.99; ages 5-8) Magic Mixies Color Surprise Magic Cauldron takes all of the surprise and delight of creating real magic and packs it into a smaller, non-electronic cauldron with a spellbinding and magical reveal. Real Littles Micro Crafts ($9.99; ages 6-8) Real Littles Micro Crafts is the whole craft kit and caboodles. There are six themed DIY craft kits with colorful caboodles for storing, carrying and stacking. I also love Momeez Choicelollipops. They are so good for your child and they have no idea how healthy they are. It’s a little mom hack I do when they ask for candy and when I don’t always want to cave in I feel happy that I can just reach for a healthier option Healthy candy should exist and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Honey is a nature-made functional sweetener packed with nutrients and enzymes that tastes incredible. It makes perfect sense to create gummies sweetened with honey instead of refined sugar, and also fill them with other delicious, functional ingredients. These RBEL BEE Honey Gummies are great for basket fillers and Easter egg hunts! Safe and Fair’s Dark Chocolaty Popcorn is GMO-free and delicious. If you are having guests over this holiday use this popcorn to jazz up charcuterie boards or just o have guests snack on! L.O.L. Surprise Loves Mini Sweets Peeps are a favorite of my daughter and I love that they are Easter themed this year. L.O.L. Surprise has partnered with iconic candy brand Peeps to bring you the fiercest Spring ever. Each LOL Surprise Loves Mini Sweets Peeps doll includes 7 surprises. Perfect for gift baskets and celebrating the season! I love that this company is local and the teddy bears are so adorable. Beverly Hills Teddy Bear is something that your child can have their choice in mush meeze, squeezamals, Cuties, tea pups and more. This site Will have all your plush needs Hope you enjoy my Easter Basket picks! Find Jessica Hall on IG @jessicahall
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