Event Pick: WestEdge Design Fair

Modern design? is a phrase that gets thrown a lot today ? like synergy? or going forward, ? but at its essence, modern design is not about fashion. It's about who you are as a human being right this instant ? and what the space looks like in which you live your life as that human being. The 7th Annual WestEdge Design Fair bristles and brims with some of the finest home furnishing companies, and Thursday's Opening Night Preview Party kicks off the weekend with a gala celebration that's an inspiration for living your best life in and of itself.

Barker Hangar, 3021 Airport Ave., Santa Monica; Thu., Oct. 24, 7-10pm; Friday-Saturday, 10am-6pm; Sunday, 10am-5pm.); $25-125. (310) 390-9071, westedgedesignfair.com.

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