Everything To Know About Rich Lamphere: How This Falsely Accused Entrepreneur Has Succeeded Despite Spending Time In Prison

Everything To Know About Rich Lamphere: How This Falsely Accused Entrepreneur Has Succeeded Despite Spending Time In Prison


Rich Lamphere's name isn't just another one on the roll-call of real estate moguls. His journey from crafting submarines to creating luxury spaces in California's poshest spots is full of unwavering resolve, high-stakes drama, and an undying drive to rise above all odds. Surviving the financial rollercoasters of the 90s and 2008, and weathering a false fraud conviction in 2011, Lamphere has managed to steer his business through stormy seas. His story is more than a tale of professional success; it's a beacon of inspiration for anyone facing adversity.

 A Hollywood Scripted Life:

Lamphere's story reads like a Hallmark script. The small-town high school quarterback married his homecoming queen sweetheart and set his sights on a promising future. After several years working at various jobs in the bay area, he started his own contracting company based on experience as a union carpenter. Wasting no time at all, he quickly established himself as a leading developer in California real estate and currently has been a part of over a billion dollars of real estate development.

Facing the Storm:

Success didn’t come easy. Through hard work and a commitment to be the best, Lamphere was able to build wealth for his family. However, the economic downturns of the 90s and the 2008 crash were a big blow that he had to overcome. Of course, he was able to do just that. However, the real storm hit in 2011 when Lamphere was falsely accused by his business partners of stealing $1.5 million from his clients. Despite his vehement denial and a significant sum spent on lawyers, he was given a five-year prison sentence. "The district attorney did a better job convincing the jury the charges were true than our defense team did of convincing them they were false.”

For Lamphere, a small-town businessman, husband, and father of two, this was a colossal blow. It wasn't just his own life that was disrupted; his family suffered immensely too. "The toughest part was watching my family go through it. Everything else I came to terms with,  however that still hurts."

Turning Prison into a Platform: 

Life behind bars could have been a breaking point however, Lamphere chose to see it as a platform for personal growth. "I surrendered everything to God," he says, "I decided to be a light in the darkness - despite the bad situation." He maintained a hands-on approach to his business, coordinating daily with his wife, who heroically held the reins of their company. He fondly remembers, "I felt like a mafia boss running my empire from prison."

In addition to keeping his business afloat, he devoted time in prison to his own personal deelopemnt and to others by leading Bible studies and counseling those that were getting released. “Live right, be right, do right - that’s what I taught them and what I continue to teach people today.”

Looking Beyond Real Estate:

After serving 18 months, Lamphere's commendable behavior earned him an early release. However, he had to serve the rest of his sentence under house arrest. "I wasted no time getting back into business full time.” Despite being locked away, the transition was pretty easy for Lamphere. "My clients never believed the charges," he says, "and that was a huge boost ."

Today, Lamphere's focus isn't just on real estate. He's passionate about using his story to inspire and support others. "If my experiences can motivate others to keep going, then everything I went through was worth it," he says. Lamphere is actively involved in philanthropic work, particularly with organizations like Prison Fellowship, striving to impact the lives of those affected by the criminal justice system.

To delve deeper into Rich Lamphere's incredible journey and to stay updated on his inspiring endeavors, follow him on LinkedIn dor Instagram.

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