Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Porn Stars

If you've obsessed over female porn stars, don't fret -- you're not alone. You're weird, perverted and demented -- yes. But you're surely not alone.

A new study of 10,000 women in adult film, based on information gathered from the Internet Adult Film Database [NSFW], has come up with some not-so-striking revelations about your favorite "performers."

Revelation number one:

She's brunette.

Yep: Despite the stereotype of the Hefner-esque blonde, your everyday, on-camera, female sex worker has either black or brown hair, according to Jon Millward's analysis, titled "Deep Inside" (NSFW)

She's also a B-cup named Nikki, apparently. But (butt!) for all you ass men out there, you'll be pleased to know that titles with the word "butts" far outrank titles with the word "boobs."

California was the self-reported birthplace for nearly one-third of all porn stars. And the biggest race/ethnicity by far was, at 70 percent, white (followed by black, Latina, and Asian).

The most popular roles for women? "Teen."

We won't even begin to get into the most popular sex acts performed. But we will leave you with this satisfying tidbit: One of the least popular is peeing on camera.

You good? Good.

[@dennisjromero / djromero@laweekly.com / @LAWeeklyNews]

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