Dua founder Mahsam Raza has been dubbed a “vulture” in the perfume business. Then what is his crime? Allowing for the widespread availability of Tom Ford’s signature scent at a price everybody can afford. Ops!
A Chanel replica bag might be purchased from the same store that sells toilet paper. Fake luxury products have proliferated over the past 35 years, increasing their proportion of the market from approximately $20 billion in 1985 to more than $1 trillion in 2018. Of course, it’s against the law, but there’s also a lot of room for interpretation. In the case of one expensive item, a cottage economy of virtually identical imitations has flourished thanks to a legal loophole.
Raza creates exquisite fragrances. Also, his reputation as a vulture or Robin Hood for high-end fragrances rests on how people feel about fragrance duplication.
“I make it so everyone can afford exclusive scents,” Mahsam declares. “I’ve been called a cancer on Facebook, but I don’t care.”
The Dua Brand is well-known for its ability to duplicate the world’s most luxurious fragrances.
The Dua Brand, based in Los Angeles, is a small, specialized perfumery that operates independently. They sell perfumes made with natural oils that last on the skin much longer than many of the industry’s most popular scents. The perfumes from Dua Fragrances are perfect for both the discerning perfume lover who prioritizes quality over all else and the fashion-conscious commoner who always wants to stand out with their signature scent.
Before every scent is released, it is put through a series of quality control and stability testing overseen by Mahsam Raza. They source all raw materials only from the most reputable companies in the industry, including Robertet, Givaudan, Firmenich, and IFF. The extracts sold by Dua Fragrances are made from natural components that are sourced from all over the world and then processed and formulated in Europe under the watchful eye of IFRA-certified chemists prior to getting shipped to the United States, where they are expertly blended and created by the team and CEO, Mahsam Raza himself.
After putting in a lot of hard work over the course of many years, Mahsam Raza finally saw his efforts pay off when fate took a sharp turn, and his career took off, and he became the CEO of the dua brand. He overcame adversity on multiple occasions, but he always stood behind his brand, Dua, a multibillion-dollar corporation with 90,000 customers spread out over 50+ countries. He sets a new standard for how one should be persistent and dedicated to one’s aims.
Mahsam put in considerable effort and adversity in order to achieve success. His business venture was successful, thanks to God’s favor and his mom’s prayers. In 2016, he introduced a line of perfumes that skyrocketed in popularity. After six years of nonstop toil, his product line eventually grew into a multimillion-dollar business with a global clientele of over 40 thousand people in various countries.
To enable the brand to achieve this level of success, he struggled day and night.
Raza first made a living working at a gas station. He also made socks at his brother-in-law’s factory. But after much supplication and toil, Mahsam finally had the opportunity to launch his own label. He proved that you could accomplish everything you set your mind to.
After working tirelessly and hoping for a miracle, it finally happened. By the beginning of 2016, Raza had introduced his fragrance brand, which was an instant success.
Although we encounter successful people on a regular basis, few of us know the story of their uphill battles to get there. The narrative of #MahsamRaza, a young man who overcame insurmountable obstacles to realize his ambitions, is one such example. Masham was devastated after being let go from his work. He had no idea how he would provide for his mother, pregnant wife, and child. He started The Dua Brand with the support of his mother, who had faith in him from the beginning. After six years and countless late nights, he built it into a multimillion-dollar business.
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