In case you've forgotten who Farrah Abaraham is -- and we wouldn't blame you, as her 15 minutes expired by early summer -- the MTV "Teen Mom" cast member turned porn star is back.
See also: Farrah Abraham's Sex Tape Hits The Internet.
She thinks you'll remember her enough to want to buy a lifelike, toy version of her lady parts. Chatsworth-based Topco sales says in a statement sent to the Weekly and other outlets today that it has employed its "world-renowned" CyberSkin® material to debut ...
... molded replicas of Abraham's body parts, as well as include an array of toys and novelties hand-selected by the starlet for her fans to enjoy.
In other words, breasts and vagina, reportedly. For her fan fans to enjoy.
If you'll recall, after being pursued by L.A. porn juggernaut Vivid Entertainment in spring Abraham shocked the world -- shocked! -- by making a sex tape called Backdoor Teen Mom.
And now, this.
You won't be able to get your hands or other digits on these high-quality adult toys until January, Topco (NSFW link) says.
Alongside the life-like genitalia, Abaraham will also help market and "design" other party favors she will endorse, said Lynda Mort, the company's director of sales and marketing:
We are extremely excited to have Farrah place her trust in Topco Sales with the creation and distribution of her adult novelty line.
We're just waiting for the Sydney Leathers line of products.
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