Football Sunday at Bludso's Bar-&-Que: Breakfast Tacos! Sunday Ticket!

If two of the things you love most in life are football and tacos, as is true for some of us, you have someplace to be on the morning of Sunday, Sept. 8. This is, as you of course know, the first Sunday of the 2013 NFL season. To celebrate the happy event, the folks at Bludso's Bar-&-Que in Hollywood will open at 10 a.m. -- game time -- to serve not early-morning ribs or brisket, although that would be very cool too, but breakfast tacos.

They'll begin regular service at noon, no worries, but for two blissful hours you can watch Minnesota at Detroit or even Seattle at Carolina while you eat smoked meat and egg tacos and smoked potato and egg tacos with smoked tomatillo salsa. That's a lot of smoking because you're at a BBQ place, remember, and they have a lovely huge smoker that you can see between two of the six flat-screen televisions. Lucky you.

See also: Bludso's Review: A Compton Classic Comes to Hollywood

If you're too hungover to make it out of the house by 10 a.m. (really??), you can swing by later and watch Green Bay at San Francisco, or even later for the Giants-Dallas game, but you will miss out on the tacos. The reason for this surfeit of football is that Kevin Bludso is a devout Cowboys fan, and thus his restaurant has Sunday Ticket so that all the Dallas games can be seen. Thank you, Kevin!

Bludso's also will start opening on Monday nights (they're currently closed on that night) to coincide with Monday Night Football. Look for drink specials and beef ribs. Football games on every wall and tray after tray of meat: This is guy world, after all. Now if only the city planners would bring us an actual football team.

Full disclosure: I initially wrote "Bledsoe's" instead of "Bludso's," which says a lot about, well, a lot of things.

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