From Serious Car Accident to Tech Genius: The Story of Tech Entrepreneur Maurice Bachelor

From Serious Car Accident to Tech Genius: The Story of Tech Entrepreneur Maurice Bachelor


Hard work and dedication are the most significant anchors to success. They will help you pull through the challenges you encounter in your journey to pursue your dreams. Maurice Bachelor is the founder and CEO of Bot-it, one of the fastest-growing automation companies in America. He is an African American software engineer from Cleveland, Ohio, who beat all the odds and rose to be one of the industry's most talented tech entrepreneurs. The lack of diversity is shocking, with African Americans only making up 6% of software engineers despite contributing to 14% of the American population.

Maurice got the idea to build his software engineering company while he laid in a hospital bed. While recovering from a major car accident, his laptop had been brought in so that he could update his loved ones with his latest health status. After one of his surgical procedures, instead of focusing on his pain and the fact that he could potentially lose his eyesight he grabbed his laptop, opened it, started to build, and saw clearly for the first time what his purpose was. With one eye sewn shut, he immediately got to work.  Maurice built Bot-It, an automation platform that allows everyday people to build online bots with no technical skills required.

Since launching in 2021, Bot-It has doubled in paid subscriptions each month, partnered with the largest shipping logistics company in Turkey, and is on pace to meet the projected over 2000 paid subscriptions by the end of 2023. Also, it has helped save consumers over 35,000 minutes of time by the automation of their daily/weekly online tasks. Botit has already successfully booked over 15,000 appointments and counting. Bot-It is popularly used for Golf Tee Times, logistics price comparison, and other competitive bookings across five different countries. Maurice also takes pride in engineering, running his first company, SnapBatch, in 2013 and being proficient in 9 different software languages.

Adversity can be the reason so many people give up on their dreams and aspirations. Maurice is an exception to this after the car he was riding in was involved in a major accident and caught fire. As a result, he had neck injuries, a broken skull and eye socket requiring multiple surgeries. He was in a command  unconscious for a couple of days. "After learning about this and being in the most pain in my life, I didn't even know if I would be able to walk again, let alone do the one thing that brought me passion in my life, which is coding and building software products," Maurice says.

Maurice shares his story to inspire everyone who feels like they can't overcome adversity. According to Maurice, the road to success is never easy; it is mountainous at times, with many distractions and barriers that may make you feel like you can’t fulfill your dreams. He says believing in yourself, hard work, and determination will always help you get back on track, and you will soon end up where you have always wanted to be. Maurice also wants people to learn that their ethnic background, race, or poverty should not determine who they become. Instead, it should act as motivation to pursue their dreams. Hailing from a humble background and surviving a life threatening accident didn't stop Maurice from becoming the renowned tech entrepreneur he is today.

Maurice aspires to continue inspiring minorities to become entrepreneurs. He looks forward to telling his personal story of "supposed" failure and defeat on podcasts and conferences such as Ted Talk, Afro Tech and many more platforms. He also envisions Bot-It helping millions of everyday people and small businesses worldwide to gain an edge over their competitors by using an easy yet powerful automation tool for their business. Maurice is confident and  determined to continue building and to help inspire change in the lives of many who might have lost hope because of adversity.

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