The new gallery season that exploded all across the city last week simply could not be contained to one night. A lot of folks figured they'd outsmart the system and go with this Saturday the 14th instead -- only to discover that while it's not as intense as last Saturday's high of 65, we're still talking about over 40. We've divided up the routes west and east with the border roughly around Highland, and added
a dip south with the west, and a hop north with the east. These are their stories.
PART TWO: EASTBOUND AND NORTHTanya Bonakdar Gallery, 1010 N. Highland Ave., HollywoodErnesto Neto: Children of the EarthSeptember 14 - November 2; Reception: Saturday, September 14,
tanyabonakdargallery.comRegen Projects, 6750 Santa Monica Blvd., HollywoodTheaster Gates:
Line Drawing for Shirt and CloakSeptember 14 November 2; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 6-8pm
regenprojects.comAF Projects, 7503 W. Sunset Blvd., HollywoodRobert Gunderman:
This EndSeptember 14 - October 5; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 6-8pm
afprojects.comGabba Gallery, 3126 Beverly Blvd., East HollywoodChristy, Warren Jacobson, Hope Kroll, and Nicole Bruckman
September 14 - 28; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 7-11pm
gabbagallery.comThe Lodge, 1024 N. Western Ave., KoreatownDeborah Brown:
dirt's the only animal who will sleep with youReception: Saturday, September 14, 6-9pm
thelodge.laHauser & Wirth Los Angeles, 901 E. Third St., DowntownCharles Gaines:
Palm Trees and Other WorksSeptember 14 - January 5, 2020; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 3-7pm
hauserwirth.comSimard Bilodeau Contemporary, 1923 S. Santa Fe Ave., DowntownCarrie Pearce:
The Merry MakersSeptember 14 - October 9; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 5:30-8:30pm
simardbilodeau.comThe Box LA, 805 Traction Ave., DowntownSmall World Sunday Street; Guy de Cointet
September 14 - October 19: Reception/performance: Saturday, September 14, 7:30pm & Sunday, September 15, 4pm
theboxla.comDAC Gallery, 431 S. Broadway, DowntownTHEDOGGOINGBARKAYOU: An exchange between ECF Art Centers and Portland Art and Learning Studio
September 14 November 2; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 3-6pm
dacgallery.comLACDA (Los Angeles Center for Digital Art), 104 E. Fourth St., DowntownFall 2019 Juried Exhibition
September 12- October 5; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 6-9pm
lacda.comChung King Road Galleries, 969 Chung King Road, ChinatownBryanFest/With a Little Help From My Friends: A series of benefit exhibitions for Bryan Chagolla, across several galleries.
Saturday, September 14, 6-9pm
Lisa Derrick Fine Arts,
Charlie James Gallery,
Tierra del Sol GalleryWomen's Center for Creative Work, 2425 Glover Pl., Cypress ParkArtist-in-residence Ahree Lee:
Pattern : CodeSeptember 14 December 7; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 47pm
womenscenterforcreativework.comOdd Ark, 7101 N. Figueroa, Highland ParkNarumi Nekpenekpen:
ToothacheSeptember 14 - October 20; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 4-8pm
oddarkla.comAvenue 50 Studio, 131 N. Ave. 50, Highland ParkArroyo Arts Collective:
Celestial Sentinels;
Art Across Borders: A Migrating Exhibit; The Broadside Project; Ernesto Vasquez:
Tlapohualiztli Ipan AmatlSeptember 14 - October 5; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 7-10pm
avenue50studio.orgThe Situation Room, 2313 Norwalk Ave., Eagle RockAlyssa Forsyth:
DeniallSaturday, September 14, 6-9pm College Museum of Art, 330 N. College Ave., ClaremontTodd Gray: Euclidian Gris GrisSeptember 3 - May 17; Reception: Saturday, September 14, 3-5pm College Art Galleries, 1050 N. Mills Ave., ClaremontAshley Hunt:
Degrees of Visibility; Disruption! Art and the Prison Industrial ComplexSeptember 14 December 6; Receptions: Saturday, September 14, 24 pm
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