There's no denying that the energy transition crusade is picking up. This momentum is vital for the long-term sustainability of everything. From manufacturing to farming, time is running up to get things done. Before looking at this transition closely, it'd be best to familiarize yourself with its pillars. There are three of them: green molecules, electrons, and bits.
According to Gunawan Jusuf, a director at a sugar company, green molecules are all about finding new ways to power things. Whether it's transportation or heating, there's a need to look at options like hydrogen fuel cells and biofuels. These energies have great potential to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Gunawan says it's a really exciting area of research.
As for green electrons, the focus shifts towards wind, solar, and hydropower. Environmental sustainability is the name of the game. It's all about kicking dirty fossil fuels to the curb. Why should everyone keep polluting when there are so many cleaner options available?
Green bits are the other pillar in this energy matrix. In this case, people are turning to digital technologies to make energy systems more efficient and responsive. Think smart grids adjusting energy usage to match demand. This energy pillar also brings home automation systems. That way, it's easier to control how much energy you use. What's more, you tweak everything using your smartphone.
Jusuf is a big fan of smart tech to revolutionize sustainable energy. It provides a surefire way to use less energy to do the same things. Energy-efficient appliances and smart thermostats play a big role.
According to Jusuf, countless innovations drive the transition to cleaner energy sources. Although solar power is nothing new, manufacturers are improving the quality and efficiency of this renewable energy device. Solar power stands out in terms of cost-effectiveness - you get significant power for so much less.
As the transition intensifies, electric vehicles are making a mark. The best part is that they're getting more affordable. So, gas-powered vehicles will eventually become less appealing. Advancements in battery technology have a lot to do with this trend. The improvements are also good for solar and wind power, which require robust storage systems.
A key component to a successful energy transition is global political commitment. Jusuf believes this aspect is a bit of a mixed bag. There's a commitment here and there, but more is still necessary. For instance, countries like China, South Africa, and Zimbabwe are still building coal-fired power plants.
Not to mention that China is constructing six times more than anyone else. But Asia makes bold commitments to reach net-zero emissions by 2060. The European Union is also doing its bit, promising to reach the target by 2050.
Amidst all the frantic activity, there are some challenges. The cost is undoubtedly a big one, because switching energy sources can be expensive. But here's the thing, it's worth every penny. Over time, countries and businesses will see a drop in power-generating costs. So, the benefits go beyond the environment.
Investing in new infrastructure is another challenge. Transitioning to cleaner sources means replacing systems designed for fossil fuels. This process involves updating power grids and building new infrastructure. It's a big task.
Gunawan boasts many years of experience working in the sugar manufacturing industry. He's a director at an Indonesian company at the forefront of changing how the industry works.
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