Here Are L.A.'s Most Popular Rental Neighborhoods

We called Koreatown America's hippest neighborhood in 2012, and since then the Line hotel has opened, Normandie Club moved in and Jay Z and Beyonc? have been seen diningin the area.


Now apartment listings site Zumper says Koreatown is its most popular neighborhood for L.A. apartment hunters.

Koreatown was the most in-demand Los Angeles neighborhood for renters this February, a spokesman said.

The area is also one of the relatively affordable neighborhoods in the city, so either these apartment hunters are hip, or they're cheap ? or both.

One-bedroom units were the most in-demand unit type, generating 40 percent of this month's inquiries with a median price of $1,500, the spokesman said.

Koreatown is rife with apartments built in the 1920s, 1970s and 1980s. Single-family homes are often lonely structures. So it's a good area for discount hunting.

The citywide median inquiry price for a studio was $1,025, the site says. Beyond that, the curb is always free.

Here's the list of Zumper's top 10 most in-demand rental neighborhoods* for February:

1. Koreatown

2. Mid-City West (including Beverly Grove, Carthay and parts of Miracle Mile)

3. Hollywood Hills West

4. West Los Angeles

5. Mid-City

6. East Hollywood

7. Van Nuys

8. Westlake

9. Palms

10. Adams-Normandie

The site says it analyzed inquiries for its Los Angeles market listings to come up with this top 10.

Demand in L.A. appears to go down as price goes up. Koreatown beat out pricier Mid-City West by 15 percent, Zumper says.

You can also look at it this way:

The second most demanded bedroom type was two bedrooms, producing 27 percent of inquiries with a median of $2,200, the site said in a statement. Three- and four-bedroom units had the least market interest this February. Three-bedroom units generated 5 percent of inquiries with a median of $3,150, while four-bedroom units produced 4 percent at $4,050.

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*We took the liberty of translating some of Zumper's areas into more official neighborhood names. MacArthur Park, for example, becomes Westlake.

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