Here Are the 5 Top-Paying Jobs in Los Angeles

The film and television industry seems to overshadow Los Angeles' other economic engines. But a new analysis of local salaries by employment site Glassdoor found little Hollywood influence in its list of top-paying jobs.

A 2012 study by the L.A. Economic Development Corporation found that the average entertainment-industry salary was $117,000. The LAEDC also says that 95 percent of the county's jobs, not even accounting for government employment, are not in film and TV.

Glassdoor this week published its list of 15 Highest-Paying Jobs in Los Angeles. It clearly worked with a different set of data, since its jobs didn't include many in Hollywood and didn't approach the LAEDC's average Hollywood salary range. Of all the top Glassdoor gigs, only one, 3-D artist, could be considered remotely Hollywood-specific. Many of the Glassdoor jobs pay less than LAEDC's Hollywood average, with many located outside the gates of the studios, specifically those in the tech sector we now call Silicon Beach.

A spokeswoman says the list is "based entirely on local employees who have shared their salaries on Glassdoor over the past year." It takes at least 30 salary reports in the last year for a job title to make the list, the site says.

In a county where the individual media income is $28,555, any of these gigs would be a huge step up for the average Angeleno.

Here's the top five. See the rest here.

5. User experience (UX) designer. These are the folks who make a website or app much friendlier to use. They make a median base salary of $92,500 a year. Glassdoor says it has 64 listings for this position.

4. Software engineer. We must really hate re-educating ourselves, because there are a ton of jobs in this category (1,966 on Greendoor) begging for applicants. The median starting pay here is $95,000, the site says.

3. Professor. Wait, what? All this time these elbow-patch nerds have been pulling down bank? Greendoor says it has 50 openings for professors. The median base is $99,000.

2. Attorney. This is another surprise for us. It seems there was a time when Southern California law schools were churning out the unemployed by the thousands. Glassdoor says it has 98 openings. The median base was pegged at $125,000.

1. Solutions architect. This is the person who often leads technology development teams and maps out the digital road to launch day, ensuring all the elements speak the same language and present users with the best experience. Glassdoor says it has 153 such openings listed, with a median base of $130,000.

Happy job hunting.

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