Artie Terra, founder of Super Apple Pie Art
Photographer: Micheal Schmidt
Artie Terra, a California based artist is sharing her journey as an artist and how she aims to inspire people to express their true selves and change the negative perceptions around self expression.
Growing up as an introvert, Terra felt as though she always struggled to take her artistry down a career path, but during the COVID19 lockdowns while she was at home Terra had the realization that people often take a career path that they have been taught is what will give them a true sense of accomplishment and happiness. At that time, Terra founded her own art gallery known as Super Apple PIe Art.
Terra now puts a focus on creating erotic artworks ranging from paintings, sculptures, miniatures and accessories. She says this became one of the focuses of her artwork as she wants to bring to light the negative perceptions people have on the human anatomy specifically around the genital areas. As many people struggle to feel comfortable in their own bodies, Terra aims to help people gain a sense of self worth and security with erotic art because it creates a fun and light-hearted connection with people and their bodies.
Through her art, Terra has made it one of her focuses to help women feel beautiful and confident with their bodies.
“If more women around the world can begin to love themselves and look in the mirror with confidence then just imagine the changes we could all bring to so many parts of the world,” says Terra. “I have made it one of my goals as an artist to shine a light on the struggles that women face, and I want to bridge some of the gaps between men and women by using art.”
Artie Terra moved to Los Angeles 14 years ago to start a career as a makeup artist in the film industry after she had gone to school for makeup in special effects. She realized that the film industry wasn’t her true calling in life due to the portrayal of women in media and the industry being a male dominated field. To express her experiences, Terra combines the social landscape of womens’ rights and the LGBGTQ+ movement with what she perceives as body positivity to create erotic dadaism in her art.
Erotica isn’t the only type of art that Terra creates. She also creates cannabis inspired artwork, which is inspired by her time working in the cannabis industry. During her time working in the industry, Terra held jobs as a budtender and was then promoted to a position where she got to do lab testing on cannabis and learn how it affects the brain. Terra says…………
“I loved the cannabis industry because it showed me how everything on the planet is interconnected. Learning how cannabis not only helps with pain but we also have endo cannabinoid receptors in our bodies on a molecular level,” says Terra. “This inspired me to create pothead pinups.”
When Terra began showcasing her artwork online she received criticism from people who she believes didn’t understand artistic expression, so she was kicked off the platform and had to start again from scratch. This was when she founded Super Apple PIe Art, so she wouldn’t have to worry about losing her following again. Since she founded Super Apple PIe Art, Terra has successfully been able to utilize social media to grow her following and showcase her art to the world.
Terra has found a group called Queer Artist Collab where she has been able to learn new skills as an artist and be part of something that fosters creativity and love with one another.
“I would love to see changes in the way we perceive the world and see changes in what is considered normal when it comes to life and the human body, and I hope I can help inspire that change with my artwork,” says Terra. “I believe in community over competition, which I believe is a way people work with and teach each other new things that can create beautiful art.”
September 23rd, Terra looks forward to hosting her studio opening, exhibiting her full collection. This experience is open to anyone in the LA area. Anyone that would like to attend or participate will be able to contact Artie Here.
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