How Does CBD Affect Your Brain?

How Does CBD Affect Your Brain?

This article was originally published on CBD Catalogs. To view the original article, click here.

How Does CBD Affect Your Brain?

CBD is becoming one of the most popular natural remedies for many health disorders. Studies have revealed that CBD possesses many therapeutic properties, which makes it an effective alternative for the treatment of anxiety, depression, pain, arthritis, insomnia, acne, psoriasis, epilepsy, muscle spasms, etc.

The CBD works by interacting with the cannabinoid receptors. This interaction helps in the smooth function functioning of several physiological and cognitive processes in your body, including pain, memory, appetite, stress response, etc.

Unlike THC, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound which means it does not create any euphoric sensation. However, it can affect your brain but in a positive way.

The Effect Of CBD On Your Brain?

The use of CBD oil can impact the human brain in a variety of ways:

Pain Management

It is recommended to take CBD for managing pain that affects a different part of your body. This is mainly because of the interaction of CBD with the CB2 cannabinoid receptors present in the brain. The scientists believe that this interaction of CBD with the CB2 receptors affects their response to the pain signals that the brain receives and helps in reducing the pain.

Related: Curious about all the potential health benefits of CBD? Click here to learn more.

Manages Blood Flow

A recent study conducted on a small group of people suffering from social anxiety disorders showed positive results for the use of CBD. The scientists observed that the use of CBD helped the participants to feel better because CBD changed the flow of blood to the areas of the brain that is associated with anxiety. This change in blood flow alters the way your brain responds to anxiety.

Decreases Oxidative Damage

How your body manages oxidative stress plays an important role in maintaining your overall health. The oxidative stress can damage your cells because it creates free radicals that can attack your cells. This will result in the development of several conditions like Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, etc.

Studies have found that the use of CBD can help in managing the symptoms of many of these diseases. CBD will interact with the CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the brain and decrease the level of oxidative damage in brain cells. The CBD also possesses antioxidant properties that can prevent the damages caused by free radicals.

Final Thoughts

CBD is not approved by the FDA for treating any of the neurodegenerative disorders. Epidiolex is the only CBD-based medication that is approved by the FDA. Epidiolex is used for treating Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; the two rare form of epilepsy that affects children.

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