How Kristan and Julian de Graaf Are Changing Car Rental in Dubai

How Kristan and Julian de Graaf Are Changing Car Rental in Dubai


The Dubai car rental industry has continued to grow and evolve as the city becomes one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. This has been linked to the increased demand for 'ready vehicles’. Dubai is a driving city, and as more people come in, most are looking to rent cars. The growth has also been associated with changing consumer preferences, aided by technological adoption, health concerns, government regulations, and the availability of more luxurious cars. But it is impossible to talk about this growth and evolution without mentioning Elite Rentals Dubai.

Elite Rentals Dubai is a luxurious car rental company in Dubai founded by Kristan and Julian de Graaf. It is one of the leading rental companies in Dubai and UAE with a fleet of more than 67 super & luxury cars. Their cars are valued at over 100 million AED and include McLaren, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Porsche, BMW, Ford, Tesla, Nissan, and many more.

Their network, business skills, and approach to car rental helped them become authorities in such a competitive field and even drive positive change in the industry. Elite Rentals Dubai prides itself on bringing you a luxurious driving experience in the most prestigious vehicles Dubai offers at a great price. Kristan and Julian are leveraging the connections they have built through the years to achieve this.

Kristan and Julian are serial entrepreneurs and have been in the space for many years. Kristan de Graafbegan his journey at 17. At the time, he lived in Amsterdam, where he started several ventures. Kristan then saw an opportunity in UAE for car rentals. He noted that few car rental companies catered to luxury/supercars and economy cars, and together with Julian, they moved to Dubai and established Elite Rentals Dubai.

They work with a team of handpicked ambassadors with industry knowledge and experience to ensure every need is met. According to Kristan and Julian de Graaf, their goal is to help their clients enjoy luxury transportation. They achieve this by making renting super/luxury and even economy cars easier in Dubai and more accessible to the people as they help them create beautiful memories in the city.

Elite Rentals Dubai cars come with fully-comprehensive insurance included in the basic package. They offer different car rental services, including full-day rental, a week, or a month for any occasion, whether for pleasure or business. Their cars are also well-maintained. Elite Rentals Dubai provides cars that have passed a timely technical inspection.

Kristan and Julian de Graaf say they aim to have at least 200 super luxury cars by the end of 2025. They are also looking to venture into other markets. Elite Rentals Dubai now provides yacht booking services in Dubai. Additionally, Julian and Kristan are working on some other large projects, which are huge and will launch like a bomb. Unfortunately, they can't reveal anything yet because they are currently still in the completion phase of the projects.

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