How Marijuana Can Actually Make You An Even Better Parent
Photo by Matthew Henry via Burst

How Marijuana Can Actually Make You An Even Better Parent

In partnership with?The Fresh Toast

Some parents say marijuana prevents them from losing their cool with their children, while others say marijuana is the ultimate mother's little helper.

It was once believed that parents who smoked marijuana were unfit to raise their children. But now that the herb has been legalized all over the country for medicinal and recreational purposes, the narrative is changing.

Many advocates argue that pot consumption in front of children is no different than kicking back a few cocktails, while others continue to apply the age-old stereotype to this debate. Somewhere in the middle of the issue is a progressive group of moms and dads who believe marijuana actually makes them better parents. But does it?

Although the majority of Americans is nowhere near ready to embrace the concept of parents using marijuana in front of their kids, it stands to reason that this is happening more frequently these days, now that cannabis is treated like alcohol in a growing number of states.

What's interesting is marijuana legalization in parts of the United States is making people living in outlaw states more relaxed about weed. But marijuana is still causing trouble for families.

In some cases, parents who are transparent with their pro-marijuana position can prevent kids from getting into certain schools. This is happening in legal states. In areas of prohibition, parents are even at risk for legal troubles, including inquiries by Child Protective Services.
Photo by ambermb via Pixabay

Still, some parents say marijuana is the ultimate mother's little helper.

I was on prescription medications for years after my kids were born to just help me sleep, and my doctor wanted to prescribe additional medications to help my anxiety, one mother told Colorado Pot Guide.

RELATED: A Guide For Talking To Your Teens About Marijuana

I researched tons of alternatives and finally landed on cannabis. I have found that an edible or two in the evening helps my brain chill, my body relax, and even relieves my aches from being active all day. I sleep better and it has helped me to be a calmer mom to my boys.

Some parents say marijuana prevents them from losing their cool with their children.

Another mother, Nicci, told CPG, When I start getting frustrated or overwhelmed I smoke pot as a reset button. When I get upset and snappy, we both need a break. She does her thing while I step away and smoke. This parental timeout allows her to be a more present parent, she added.

Professional moms and dads are also using marijuana in a manner similar to the after-business-hours cocktail. Instead of knocking back a glass of wine or two, many are now smoking pot after work to loosen up before dealing with everything from their kid's practice schedules to homework.

RELATED: Stop Discriminating Moms For Their Marijuana Use?

More often these days, parental pot consumption is not being done behind closed doors. This may be difficult for some folks to swallow. But pro-pot parents believe it makes them healthier role models.

I have no regret coming out of the weed closet to my kids and family, one father, Derrick, told CPG. Yeah, I consume near my kids at times. Near, not next to. I love my kids and just want to continue to be as open and transparent with my boys. I'm calmer and more engaged when I've consumed. Do I need to be lit all the time, maybe not. Does it help? Hell yeah it does! As long as it doesn't take away from necessary time with the kiddos, I say, light it up. The kids get a happier parent!?

Marijuana can help handle the stress of parenting. But be sure to familiarize yourself with the local laws before becoming too open about it.

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