Mindset might be a buzzword that’s overstayed its welcome, but it’s hard to deny its importance in most human activities. For example, in the world of business and entrepreneurship, where it’s regularly used, mindset is necessary because of its fundamental influence on the entrepreneur and the venture.
Mindset determines everything from the ability to set clear priorities and focus on them to coping with stress and staying motivated. It contributes to every action an entrepreneur takes, including the decision of how to measure what success is.
In Eric Scott Rosen’s view, he’s already achieved one of the biggest successes he could. “Back in 2006, when I was still a student, I saw John Uustal in trial by himself, with his client and half of a car in the courtroom, against an army of lawyers,” he recalls. “I remember saying this is who I wanted to be.”
Ten years later, he sat in a different courtroom, winning an unwinnable case with a $13 million verdict. At that moment, Eric Scott Rosen knew he had made it – he stayed true to the promise he gave himself all those years ago.
What got him through was the specific kind of mindset that didn’t measure success with how much money he was earning or how quickly. “There are those people online, influencers, talking about all the different methods they used to become millionaires almost overnight,” he says. “For the regular person, however, it’s about putting in the time to become an expert in your craft. It’s not about money.”
Still, in the world of big lawsuits, money cannot but be a metric for success. The legal system is set up so that significant damages and compensations serve as an approximation of justice for those who suffered. They also serve as a deterrent to prevent those kinds of suffering from being inflicted on others again.
It’s not a perfect system, but Eric S. Rosen has learned to work with it very well. His profound love for his craft stems from reading about Stanley and Susan Rosenblatt and their heroic efforts to take on Big Tobacco. Those influences instilled in him the actual value of a good trial lawyer as the one who levels the playing field against anyone, no matter how big they are.
And he worked hard to become that kind of lawyer. On the journey, he was board-certified by the Florida Bar as a civil trial specialist, a distinction carried by less than 2% of lawyers in the state. He also learned some unexpected skills in content creation and social media use. He was determined to grow his business during the pandemic, so he learned online marketing.
Because of his expertese, other personal injury law firms seek help from Eric S. Rosen to help them try cases. One of the recent cases he was asked to try in Miami for a medical malpractice where he obtained a verdict 40 times larger than the last offer made by the hospital.
For Eric S. Rosen and his team at Rosen Injury Law, success comes at the end of an effort sustained over a more extended period. “I wasn’t trying cases or doing what I was doing at that firm for the money,” he says. “I was doing it to learn to become the best, and eventually, if you become the best, the money will come.”
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