How the Wealthy Weather the Economic Storm with Recession Core

How the Wealthy Weather the Economic Storm with Recession Core


The elite is no stranger to economic hardship. As a matter of fact, the term "recession core" has been coined to describe the way in which the elite have embraced austerity and thrift during times of economic downturn. Recession core is a term used to describe the mindset and practices of the upper class when dealing with decreased income and rising prices. This mindset is characterized by a conscious decision to cut back on luxury purchases, as well as to focus on quality over quantity. Many of the world's most influential people have adopted this mindset, from the upper echelons of the business world to celebrities and public figures. The elite have embraced recession core as a means of staying afloat during difficult times, while still maintaining their standard of living. This includes investing in timeless pieces and using their resources in smart and strategic ways. The elite are proving that even during times of economic difficulty, it is still possible to look and feel your best.

Read the full story on our sister site, the Village Voice, here.

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