Isa Bagirov, who hails from the enigmatic country of Azerbaijan, is a formidable force in the world of mentalism and hypnosis, an art form that captivates audiences. Hailed as the "Azerbaijani Wolf Messing,” his talents have crossed borders and wowed audiences internationally. Isa graces Europe's grandest stages with his show 'Under Hypnosis,' captivating thousands and leaving them mesmerized as he delves deep into the recesses of their minds, extracting thoughts and revealing the inexplicable.
Bagirov's fame extends beyond the stage to national television shows and even best-selling literature. His mentalism treatise, 'The Phenomenon of Mentalism: Hypnosis and the Absurdities of Consciousness,' has received critical acclaim. He defies comprehension and pushes the boundaries of entertainment with each electrifying performance, making him a standout among the world's leading mentalists. "Mentalism goes beyond mere magic tricks; it delves into the subconscious, molds destinies, and enchants audiences," he says.
Isa Bagirov will appear on Gossip Stone TV's new reality show “Hypno Challenge”, hosted by Golden Globe and Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts. Marina Clark, a self-made entrepreneur in the real estate and entertainment industries, is the producer of this show.
Clark's inspiration for "Hypno Challenge" stems from her extensive experience with hypnotic motivation. She graduated from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) in 2015 with the formal title of clinical hypnotherapist and is the driving force behind this enthralling and innovative show that is sure to captivate and inspire audiences.
Isa, your participation in "Hypno Challenge" is highly anticipated. Can you tell us about how you first got involved with the show, and what viewers can expect from your contributions?
Isa Bagirov: My involvement with "Hypno Challenge" has been a fascinating journey. The show's concept immediately caught my attention, and I saw an opportunity to push the boundaries of mentalism and hypnosis. I bring my unique expertise to the show, where viewers can expect a mind-bending experience as I engage with participants, leaving the audience in awe.
What intrigued you the most about the concept of "Hypno Challenge," and how does it align with your expertise in mentalism and hypnosis?
IB: What fascinated me most about "Hypno Challenge" was its potential to showcase the incredible power of the human mind. This concept aligns perfectly with my expertise in mentalism and hypnosis, allowing me to challenge participants in extraordinary ways, blurring the lines between reality and perception.
How do you think "Hypno Challenge" will impact the perception of mentalism and hypnosis in the mainstream entertainment industry?
IB: "Hypno Challenge" will change how people perceive mentalism and hypnosis. By showcasing the incredible potential of the human mind, the show will challenge stereotypes and reveal the power of the subconscious. It will leave viewers with a new appreciation for these arts and might even spark a broader interest in the field.
Marina Clark, as the producer of "Hypno Challenge," can you share more about your journey into the world of hypnosis and how it inspired you to create this show?
Marina Clark: My journey into hypnosis began as a personal quest to regain my inner strength and joy amid the pressures of business and life. After graduating from HMI in 2015 and earning the title of clinical hypnotherapist, I felt compelled to share the transformative power of hypnosis with the world. This drive led to the creation of "Hypno Challenge," a project that is deeply meaningful to me.
What challenges did you face in bringing "Hypno Challenge" to life, and how did you assemble the talented cast and crew?
MC: Bringing "Hypno Challenge" to life presented its unique challenges, but assembling a talented cast and crew was a fulfilling process. I selected individuals who shared my passion for hypnosis and believed in the project's potential to inspire and transform lives. The challenge lay in finding the right mix of talent and dedication. Together with Victoria Unikel, also a producer of the show as well as head of Gossip Stone TV channel, we created an incredible team with Eric Roberts playing host for the show’s first full season; Patrick Kilpatrick is a co-producer and casting director; Michele Guzy, an award-winning clinical hypnotherapist; Tristan King, marine Veteran, and other incredible members of the team. I’m very excited to work with all of them and can’t wait to begin production.
What excites you the most about working with Isa Bagirov, and what unique elements does he bring to the show?
MC: Working with Isa Bagirov is a real honor. His unique abilities and magnetic presence add a captivating mystique to "Hypno Challenge." His life story and his impact on people's lives are extraordinary, making him an invaluable asset that elevates the show to remarkable heights.
My initial introduction to Isa Bagirov occurred through television, where he was the charismatic host of the internationally renowned show, "Stars Under Hypnosis." It quickly became evident that he possessed exceptional talents and psychic abilities. His persona exuded an undeniable magnetism that left a lasting impression.
My hope is that viewers will take away a profound understanding of the boundless potential of the human mind from "Hypno Challenge." The show is designed to inspire and empower individuals by showcasing the incredible feats that can be achieved through hypnosis. In the future, I see the show expanding its reach and continuing to captivate and transform audiences.
We wish you best of luck and eagerly await the show’s release!
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