Kim Kardashian Didn't Break the Internet, But She Inspired Some Porn Surfing

Kim Kardsashian's Paper magazine cover didn't, in fact, break the internet, as promised. It might have helped to sprain your hand, however.

The folks at Pornhub, a huge adult site that's part of the MindGeek corporate empire, said that searches for K.K.'s sex tape went through the roof this month after her robust bottom, slightly Photoshopped, appeared on the cover of the New York-based glossy alongside the words "break the internet Kim Kardashian."

The Paper photos were apparently just appetizers for some guys (and girls):


Pornhub says its search traffic for "Kim Kardashian sex tape" (you know, the Vivid Entertainment release she did with Ray J) increased 629 percent in the United States, apparently as a result of that magazine cover.

According a representative of the site:

 ... Looking at the nude photos wasn't enough for most, ... as the leading adult entertainment site Pornhub saw a huge surge in traffic and searches for her sex tape.

The magnificent, one-handed web traffic (including a 558 percent rise for that search term from surfers across the world) spike has inspired Pornhub to call K.K. "the most popular porn star" across the globe, the rep said.

That search traffic beat out past increases inspired by Kardashian's marriage to Kanye West (25 percent worldwide), the birth of North West (104 percent), and her marriage to Kris Humphries (212 percent).

Y'all some sick people.And, keep in mind, we're not just talking about creeps of the male persuasion.

Pornhub says the Angeleno who's famous for being famous "is the most searched-for porn star by women all over the world."

Happy surfing.

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