Welcome to L.A. Weekly's Movie Guide, your look at the hottest films in Los Angeles theaters this week ? from indie art house gems and classics to popcorn-perfect blockbusters and new movies garnering buzz. Check here every week before you make your big screen plans.
Opening wide
Friday, June 21
The Toy Story trilogy is a trilogy no more. Toy Story 4 extends Pixar's biggest cash cow with a brand new adventure starring the world's most lovable CGI playthings. This time, Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz (Tim Allen) and the rest of the gang go looking for Forky (Tony Hale), a toddler's crude arts-and-crafts creation that gets separated from the rest of the group. Along the way, they run into Bo Peep (Annie Potts) in an antique shop, who dispenses wisdom in the sentimental tradition of all Pixar movies. Josh Cooley directs. Also opening Friday, June 21: Anna, Better Than Love, Burn Your Maps, Child's Play, The Command, The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir, Nightmare Cinema, The Quiet One, Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am, Wheeler Winston Dixon: From Ancient History to A Hundred Years from Today, Wild Rose
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