Left to Die Breathes Life into Death: Back in March, we reviewed a show at the Belasco featuring a band called Death to All. That band includes three former members of Floridian death metal pioneers Death in its ranks -- drummer Gene Hoglan, bassist Steve DiGiorgio and guitarist Bobby Koelble. Death mainman Chuck Schuldiner died in 2001 of brain cancer at the way-too-young age of 34, and Death to All helps to keep his music alive by playing it in front of a lot of people, very well.
As it happens though, they're not the only Death tribute featuring former members. This Saturday at the Echo, Left to Die played an immense set that included every track from 1988's bonafide classic Leprosy album, as well a few from the also immense Scream Bloody Gore debut. The band features Death men Rick Rozz (guitar) and Terry Butler (bass, now of Obituary), both of whom are credited on Leprosy, although according to Wiki, Butler didn't actually play on the album. No matter, they were both members of the band during that period. The Left to Die band is completed by frontman/guitarist Matt Harvey and drummer Gus Rios, both members of a band called Gruesome which is an homage to the music of Death while also releasing original material. It's all a bit confusing, but don't worry about it.
Left to Die might not thank us for mentioning Death to All in this review; honestly, we're not sure if there's any competition or not. But we had to, due to that March review. It would be a bit weird to just gloss over their existence. We're not going to compare though -- that would be futile. We do know that both are filled with incredible musicians, and perform the music of Death authentically and passionately.
Left to Die arrived on the Echo stage to the sound of a Schuldiner interview, and then the theme from Halloween. They then piled straight into three songs from Leprosy -- the title track, "Born Dead," and "Forgotten Past."
And the crowd went apeshit. The Echo isn't huge, so there was really no escaping the pit. Sweat and beer was flying everywhere, and so were legs when more than a few people took to stage diving. It could have been 1983 all over again.
"Infernal Death" and "Mutilation" from Scream Bloody Gore followed, as Harvey proved himself well capable of doing these songs justice. The man's roar is fucking brutal, and he appears to be having the time of his life unleashing it. Meanwhile, Rozz and Butler received a hero's welcome from the adoring fans, as well they should.
The main set ended with "Left to Die" -- the Leprosy track that gave this band its name -- and a monstrous "Zombie Ritual." They soon returned for "Pull the Plug," which happens to be the best death metal song ever recorded, and "Evil Dead."
Then they were done, leaving us all delighted that there are two bands (at least) keeping this music alive.
Left to Die Breathes Life into Death: For more info, visit theecho.com.
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