With the power of AI, one-man armies are taking over the online world. These forward-facing entrepreneurs are turning to “Digital Jeff” Castillo – the personal branding and internet pioneer – for the cheat codes putting them ahead in the game of life.
Life is a game – and you have to go play it.
No matter where we start out, we have the opportunity to overcome obstacles, take on new missions, and go on a journey to transform our lives for the better.
The game’s latest patch – which grants players unfettered access to AI, a new paradigm for launching personal brands, and an abundance of wisdom for those with the right mentors – means that there has never been a better time to go after something bigger.
You’ll always have challenges – so will you level up, or is it game over?
Jeffrey Castillo, known across the web and beyond as “Digital Jeff,” may be yet to crack the infinite money glitch, but he’s been playing the game for a while, and has some cheat codes that could help you on your journey. Whether you’re an entrepreneur after their next big business, or an eight-to-fiver who likes their job but could use a hustle on the side, Digital Jeff has a wealth of experience to offer.
“From every corner of the world,” he says, “people are rising up. People really want to get out of the rat race – and I see so many communities struggling. I want to bring light to the opportunities out there and help people understand that they do have a choice for how life can go.”
Digital Jeff’s Cheat Codes Lab is the number one AI school and community in the world. It’s here that you can master the AI wave all in one place – and learn how to use these tools to run a one-person business. Those already in the Cheat Codes mafia, made up of people all over the world, have been using Digital Jeff’s platform to launch agencies, SaaS companies, and more.
“We are focused on decentralizing education,” says Digital Jeff, who has made the platform available to users for less than 30 cents per day.
Digital Jeff is also pioneering AI with the game-changing Eluna.ai, a platform that puts GPT, image generation, video creation, and everything else AI all in one place. The platform is already super-charging the workflow of many digital savants – and promises to be an AI-centric competitor to software like Notion and Obsidian.
Another mission is to help 1,000 small creators reach their first 100k followers. If that could help your brand, don’t sleep on Digital Jeff’s Unsigned program launching in September. This is something that people have been calling for after witnessing Digital Jeff’s crazy virality in the last couple months. The entrepreneur has broken the algorithm, amassing a whopping 50 million views and 400K new followers in the last 45 days (a testament to the resonance his message is having online). Now, he’s teaching content creators how to break the algorithm themselves and get their own message and story out to the world.
Before he had all this invaluable information to offer, Digital Jeff had to go through the fire and level up himself.
It all started at the age of 17. A young Jeffrey Castillo, born to humble beginnings, was already known by his now famous nickname. Digital Jeff was the go-to guy at his high school for all things tech, was the captain of the basketball team, and was applying for film school. But the game of life had different plans.
His girlfriend was pregnant.
“I couldn't believe what she was telling me,” Digital Jeff recalls, “I was in shock.”
A week later, the couple is married – and dreams of becoming a filmmaker get put on hold. Digital Jeff gets a job at Pizza Hut.
With a family to support, Digital Jeff was playing the game with a massive XP boost.
“I knew that everything I was doing was so we could get out of poverty as a family,” he says. “I found purpose in loving my wife and kids.”
With this new mission before him, Digital Jeff leaned on tech-based marketing chops he had been fostering since youth. As a high school sophomore, he had coded a website that featured a wall of fake IDs he had put together in the first edition of photoshop. The goal wasn’t to get his friends beer or into nightclubs – the IDs were designed to be intentionally fake. But this was enough to get the whole town talking, leading the local police department to shut the whole thing down.
“I got everybody's attention with something so simple,” Digital Jeff says. Seeing the rise of the internet as one of his first cheat codes, Jeff tried out the formula again, this time with a website covering local sports – which in its heyday drew 10K hits a night.
This laid the seeds for Digital Jeff’s rise out of poverty. While still working at the Pizza Hut, he was able to book his first client needing a website for their business.
“I started building my agency from that day forward,” he says. “It finally clicked that I could really make some real money – and I didn't look back.”
Building an agency was an education in and of itself. Digital Jeff learned what it was like to knock on doors in order to create opportunity. He was able to engage his passion as a filmmaker to create content for his clients. He found his place as an entrepreneur – and was seeing his family lifted out of poverty.
As it is with many success stories, Digital Jeff’s mission became larger.
“I’ve always had a hard time celebrating,” he says, “I've had a hard time taking time off to reflect on the journey.”
But when you play the game with an attitude of abundance, the quest log is always full. Digital Jeff continued to grow as a personal brand expert and leveled up his abilities as the internet evolved into what it is today. He even had the only syndicated show with Entrepreneur Magazine for over five years – connecting him to the biggest movers in the world’s hottest industries.
Many years and entrepreneurial successes later, Digital Jeff is now opening up the floodgates for others looking to play the game on his level. Just like the rise of the internet was his cheat code to leveling up, the AI revolution offers new opportunities for those with a forward-facing mentality.
“This is one of those tipping points,” he says. “This is a whole new era. If you don't have the skills, you're going to get undercut by somebody that's a one-man army that's able to charge less and do more.”
Digital Jeff is the guy training these one-man armies, all through the Cheat Codes Lab platform.
All around the world, people are waking up to the fact that they can play the game with freedom and agency. They’re using platforms like Eluna.ai to become innovative creators and founders of dynamic businesses.
Whatever your spawn point is, you get to create opportunities, take on new missions, and crack the cheat code for building the life you want.
That’s what Digital Jeff has done – and you can be next.
So what will it be – game over, or level up?
Get a taste of the tools at your disposal: try out Eluna.ai. Then get yourself on the Cheat Codes Lab for the biggest XP boost the game of life has to offer.
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