Life with Nareg Kopooshian

Life with Nareg Kopooshian


Nareg (Chris) Kopooshian has accomplished extraordinary feats in his 5 years as a High School Varsity boys basketball coach. Nareg is at the helm of a small 206 student Armenian private school (AGBU) located in the San Fernando Valley. Kopooshian’s story stretches back to his childhood, where his dad, who was also his 1st coach, put a ball in his hands at just 9 months of age. He credits his parents for his love for the game, as they never missed an opportunity to watch him play, even when he was traveling while playing college basketball. After his playing journey took him around the world, Nareg knew coaching was In his blood. Fast forward to 2023, highlighting his team, that nobody, including high school journalists, expected to get out of the 1st round of the CIF Division 2 playoffs, finished an incredible 3 year run with a 52-9 overall record and yet another state playoff berth. Kopooshian and his resilient team have brought an entire community of Armenians together. The AGBU gymnasium, which holds a maximum of 400 people, supported an unprecedented 1,200 proud Armenian fans cheering for their local underdog Titans. As one of the best Armenian high school teams in history, Kopooshian credits the teams success to the endless hours of film, attention to detail, and discipline his team displayed on a nightly basis. Kopooshian started coaching this group when they were only 10 years of age within the travel program he built in 2016, Rebels. The noise the Titans made this past season intrigued local news outlets, such as the LA Times, LA Daily News, and FOX 11 Los Angeles, who made the trip to AGBU to interview the team and really get to know their story. As the stage grew brighter, so did Kopooshian's group. Led by seniors Avand Dorian, the Martirossian twins, Harmandjian, and Sahnazoglu, this group believed that no task was too tall. After defeating #11 ranked Pasadena High School in the 1st round and #5 ranked Diamond Bar shortly thereafter, the team really opened some eyes of schools, coaches, and journalists around the area. Just a few months ago, Kopooshian traveled his team to Temecula to take on open division caliber powerhouse, Rancho Christian, in the CIF division 2 semifinal game. For those who don’t know, Rancho Christian, a California super team, produced the Mobley brothers, who, both currently play in the NBA for the Cleveland Cavaliers. Additionally, this year, every member of their starting 5 is committed to a division 1 university. The underdog Titans, who traveled 500 of their own fans, supported a 17-12 lead before eventually falling to Rancho Christian, who ended up winning the entire division, by 19 points. The team currently sports a 4.0 cumulative team GPA and most of the team will be at a prestigious university next year, including USC, UC San Diego, and Pepperdine. Kopooshian continues to use his vast knowledge and is excited to build the next generation of athletes, who are ready to follow his lead and carry forward the Titan Culture.

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