Living a Soul-Led Life Can Improve Your Success and Productivity As Per Rebecca Campbell

Living a Soul-Led Life Can Improve Your Success and Productivity As Per Rebecca Campbell


They say everything is a matter of definition. It’s how you define something that makes it real for you. So how do you define success? What does being productive mean to you? Are you merely doing what others are doing or are you creating a unique plan to reach your unique goals? According to Rebecca Campbell, a leading voice in spirituality, bringing the soul into this equation is “the key to living a life of fulfillment.”

Rebecca is the foremost expert on weaving the soul and the sacred back into everyday life, and believes that whether you’re looking to succeed as a person or as a company, allowing yourself to be led by your soul can help you get there. Let’s dive in.

Follow your soul’s passion

Passion is that driving force inside each one of us that thrives when we follow its calling and dries up when we overlook it. When we are passionate about something, it makes us want to follow our hearts. This is what defines our purpose. Rebecca adds, “A lack of passion suggests a misalignment with the call of your soul. (..) When you follow the invisible thread of what lights you up and act on it every day, you'll find yourself right in the middle of your soul's calling.”

Listen to the wisdom of your soul

Each one of us has a soul. It’s the fundamental core of our being. It drives us in ways we know and don’t know. It’s the ultimate resource we have to live an authentic life. The wisdom of the soul, as per Rebecca, “and the intelligence of life, which is grounded with daily action” can help people achieve their wildest dreams. She has developed what she calls, The Three Steps to Living A Soul-Led Life. Through the steps of connecting within, receiving guidance, and acting upon it, she encourages people to develop practices to connect within themselves, answer the soul’s call and act upon the answers they receive. It’s a method that helps people trust the voice of their inner being and allow it to guide their steps towards their desired journey. Rebecca’s three steps to living a soul-led life have transformed the lives of thousands of people.

Have a dialogue with your soul

In her second step to living a soul-led life, Rebecca encourages people to “take the time to tune in and receive a message from your soul. We are tapping into the intelligence of life and when we do this it feels incredible.” Using a method she calls Soul Inquiry, she encourages people to “dialogue with your soul. You ask simple open questions to allow your soul to step forward and speak. One of the Soul Inquiry prompts I use the most is ‘My soul is calling me to.... I recommend doing the Soul Inquiry Process by writing down your answers. You can fill an entire page or you can write one sentence. When you are writing, trust what comes and try not to overthink it. Begin writing before you know what you are writing. Let your soul guide your hand.”

Act upon the whispers

The final step is perhaps the most important of all - honoring the guidance you receive by taking grounded action. Rebecca highlights how important it is not to miss this step:

“Don’t underestimate the power of step 3. Taking baby steps in the direction of your soul’s calling will transform your life. You will move from receiving guidance to living a guided life. When you are living a guided life, you find yourself in flow with life. It also feels really good showing up and completing the baby step each day.”

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