Luxury Real Estate Developer Abraj Bay Is Changing the Game

Luxury Real Estate Developer Abraj Bay Is Changing the Game

Luxury Real Estate Developer Abraj Bay Is Changing the Game

It's often said that many industries come and go; ones dependent on other factors or dictated by the technology of their time are usually the ones to disappear. However, residential development is among one of the everlasting businesses. People have always needed homes, buildings, and offices and always will, no matter how far technology or trends may take us. Luxury real estate developer Abraj Bay stands out in this industry by taking on impressive and ambitious projects.

According to Abraj Bay, just because you have a family doesn't mean you don't deserve to live in a luxurious space. From the start, Abraj Bay has been adamant about designing and building homes for entire families, providing them with best-in-class services and facilities. The company has the motto “Luxury family living, redefined.”

So far, Abraj Bay has achieved some impressive milestones. They were awarded two 5-star prestigious awards for the best residential development in the Arabia & Africa regions, hosted by the International Property Awards 2022–2023. At the International Property Awards event to be held by the end of this year, Abraj Bay was one of the nominees to be ranked among the global winners. The developer has also been a winner of 3 awards of Gold and Platinum tiers as the best developer in Qatar at the Property Finder Awards for 2021 to 2022.

​​Abraj Bay has worked on numerous projects to reflect the luxury idea they want to carry on while at the same time making them ready for family use. The second part of Abraj Bay’s idea is what sets them apart from its competition.

While most building developers are obligated to get the building designed by the Master Developer, Abraj Bay managed to get approval on their idea to combine four land parcels into two; Abraj Bay was able to pull this off while still keeping with the rest of the buildings in the master development.

Abraj Bay talks about difficulties in attaining materials for the project and how they had to import specific materials from international countries, even from other GCC countries. Getting all the material into Qatar for the project was a complicated process. Another challenge met by Abraj Bay was getting the workforce. They had to look for team members from foreign countries, which created another problematic situation.

Besides their ongoing construction processes, Abraj Bay also works to provide resting areas for restaurants delivery drivers and delivery companies and take part in Blood Donor Day. Such events have been covered by some of Doha’s leading newspapers, such as The Peninsula, Gulf Times, and Doha News.

Other than that, Abraj Bay talks about how maintaining the construction process and everything else during the COVID-19 pandemic was another hurdle. However, even with all these issues, the company managed to get through them and achieve its goals through determination and an adequately designed team.

When talking about the future, Abraj Bay wants to expand its work and not just have a reach that is national or in the GCC countries; they expect to expand globally. Abraj Bay looks forward to years of progress and exciting projects.

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