Man Murdered in Broad Daylight in Venice

A man was gunned down in broad daylight in the Oakwood area of Venice today, authorities said.

The shooting at Brooks and Seventh avenues was reported about 4 p.m., Los Angeles Police Department Officer Tony Im said.

"Basically the suspect walked up to the victim and shot him," Im said.

The man, yet to be identified, was pronounced dead at the scene, Im said.

The shooter fled west on Brooks, he said. Earlier reports describing a suspect wearing a Star Wars mask turned out to be untrue, he said.

The shooter was described as a 5-foot, 8-inch to 5-foot, 9-inch African-American man in a black hooded sweatshirt, black jeans and black sunglasses, Im said. Witnesses said he appeared to be in his late 20s, according to the officer.

The area of million-dollar homes is a traditionally black community where two gangs, the African-American Venice Shoreline Crips and the Latino Venice 13 have long claimed turf.

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