Man Tased by Cops Died After 40-Minute Wait for Help

UPDATE at 1:44 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016: Police have added details to the story, including suspects' identifies. See the latest at the bottom. First posted at 7:01 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016.

A man Tased by Burbank police died after cops said they had to retreat to engage in a 40-minute standoff with another suspect, authorities said. The Tased suspect was unable to receive medical attention during that time, they said.

The man's demise follows a string of suspect deaths in local police confrontations in recent days. And in the early afternoon yesterday at least one L.A. Sheriff's Department deputy opened fire on a man who cops said wielded two knives on the platform of the Metro Expo Line stop in downtown Santa Monica, sheriff's officials said. That suspect was hospitalized in critical condition.

The Burbank case started about 6:20 p.m. when officers investigating a report of criminal threats at a home in the 500 block of North Mariposa Street were confronted by a suspect outside the residents, police said in a statement.

The individual attacked the officers and a physical?altercation took place, according to Burbank police. One officer discharged his Conducted Energy Device (Taser?),which caused the subject to stop resisting.

At about the same time, cops said, a man with a gun appeared in a doorway and threatened them. The officers retreated, took cover and called for backup, which started the clock on a 40-minute standoff that prevented paramedics from taking a look at the Tased suspect, police said.

The suspected gunman ultimately surrendered, but the man who had been Tased was?ultimately pronounced?dead at the scene, according to the statement.

He was described as a man in his 60s. The cause of death will be investigated by the coroner's office. The use of force will be probed by the L.A. County District Attorney's Office.

The man is the third suspect to have died following a confrontation with police in L.A. County since Saturday.

UPDATE at 1:44 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2016:
Police have added details to their story. They say they were responding to a woman's report that her ex-father-in-law had come to her home and threatened her.

That suspect, identified as?66-year-old Thomas?Wayne Binkley, struggled with officers and ultimately died after being Tased, police said.

The man's brother,65-year-old Steve Leroy Binkley, is the suspect who allegedly brandished a weapon and engaged in a 40-minute standoff with cops, they said. He was subsequently arrested on suspicion of threatening a cop, police said. He was jailed in lieu of $25,000 bail. Steve Leroy Binkley was expected to appear in court Friday.

Authorities said they obtained a warrant to search the home in question, where they found a gun they allege was brandished by the brother.

Cops now say the deceased was actually rescued by officers before the end of the standoff.

The officers were able to rescue Thomas Binkley during the barricade situation and remove him from the immediate area,where he could be treated by paramedics, according to Burbank police. He was later pronounced?dead at the scene by paramedics.

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