Mask of Choice: DEVO is Selling an Energy Dome PPE Kit
May 26, 2020
Are we not masked? If the answer is no or boring, your good friends at DEVO have you covered. Literally. They've been selling versions of their signature Energy Dome headgear for years, and it has been made in a range of colors keyed to the hat's periodic high-profile appearances ? blue at the Olympics, green on the show Solid Gold, white for a random Diet Coke commercial.
But now it is the iconic and original fire-engine red Energy Dome that returns to stock as part of the band's relaunched merch arm. With special velcro-attached clear face shield technology, the kit functions to not only save and recirculate the orgone energy escaping out the top of your skull, but, perhaps more importantly, as Gerald Casale writes on the band's website, to protect you and your neighbors from the alternate reality nightmare spawned by COVID-19 and the botched response of our world 'leaders' to do the right thing quickly.
The Dome is solid and the attached Shield is clear but it's what you can't see that gets you!, reads the merchandise copy. Stay safe from invisible particles and unwanted bodily fluids in this coordinated, disease blocking, DEVO Energy Dome PPE kit headgear.