Meet Soul Hunter NYCHOS

Meet Soul Hunter NYCHOS

meetAs a visionary painter in the street and gallery space and an adventurer into the world of new media, NYCHOS has developed an inimitable personal style that tackles life's biggest questions through a kaleidoscope of lenses from the visceral to the esoteric, historical and revolutionary. Rich in fantastical, patiently executed detail with a prismatic, ritualistic energy, the work is enlivened by the hyperstimulated verve of urban pop. NYCHOS depicts human anatomy, creature spirits, insidious technology and biodiverse nature in adventurous, ambitious mixed media works that proceed with an unsettling, seductive humor toward deadly serious meditations on the meaning of life. His newest project is an immersive environmental installation opening in Los Angeles on February 22.
width=650 NYCHOS: The Seven Chakras

L.A. WEEKLY: When did you first know you were an artist?

NYCHOS: I was born that way. There was never another way.
What is your short answer to people who ask what your work is about?

My work is about experiences with life, death, and everything that lies in between ? and about what I can draw from them in the here and now on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.
Why do you live and work in L.A., and not elsewhere?

I like to go with the flow, and to be honest, I didn't really plan to live here, it just happened. I listened to the Universe and I somehow ended up in L.A. ? and I love it.
width=550 NYCHOS: Translucency of My Little Pony

When is/was your current/most recent/next show or project?

My exhibition The Awakening will open on 2/22/22 at Mirus Gallery Los Angeles, and it's gonna be the biggest show I've done so far. It will feature a lot of novel works and some classic paintings. There will be some pretty rad AR & immersive elements to it, and Rabbit Eye Movement will host a gift shop. I can't wait to share it all with you and whoever wants to join.
What artist living or dead would you most like to show or work with?

Jorge González Camarena. I think his work is fantastic regarding aesthetics and shaping. He has found a very simple and clear way to visualize body shapes. That is something I recognize from my own original motivation to paint cartoonish figures. He developed a very smart way to paint, if you ask me ? and if you look closely, he even painted translucently. On top of that, he started the Mexican mural movement.
width=550 NYCHOS: Translucent T-Rex, Oakland, 2016. (Photo by Hannes Kreuzer)

Do you listen to music while you work? If so what?

Yes, the music I listen to really fuels my creations. It really depends which mood I'm in. Certain music puts me in a state of flow, and that clearly has an influence on my brush stroke ? even more so when I paint with the spray can. To name a few bands whose music really communicates with me: Tool, Judas Priest, All Them Witches, Samsara Blues Experiment, The Heavy Eyes, King Buffalo, and the list goes on and on.
Website and social media handles, please!

IG: @nychos
width=401 NYCHOS: The Upload

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