Michael Waugh: Flow My Tears, the Mueller Report Said at Von Lintel Gallery
Michael Waugh at Von Lintel Gallery

Michael Waugh: Flow My Tears, the Mueller Report Said at Von Lintel Gallery

Using an arcane calligraphic technique known as micrography, Waugh constructs his impossibly complex and superbly illusionistic images not from simply fine strokes of his pens, but in fact from volumes of laboriously hand-copied text. Generating multiple levels of cognitive resonance and dissonance, Waugh often chooses pastoral scenes of landscapes and familiar country animals like hounds and horses, deliberately offset by the politically and socially biting documents used for the raw materials of his form.

For example, the show's title is based on a Philip K. Dick novel in which the right-wing has won a second U.S. civil war while also pegged to the disappointing federal investigation, and lodged within an infuriatingly idyllic scene; and another image based on Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring shows a parable of nature healing after some minimal destruction to symbolic civilization, in perhaps a reference to some dynamic aspects of the global pandemic pause.

Bendix Building, 1206 Maple Ave., 2nd floor, downtown; Saturday, June 20, 3-8 p.m., and by appointment through August 8. vonlintel.com.

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