Midsummer DUI Crackdown Happens Tonight

If your midsummer night's dream doesn't involve sharing a jail cell with some surly characters, then heed this warning: A misdemeanor night's dream is really a nightmare.

Los Angeles Police and other agencies will be on the lookout this weekend for drunk drivers. Luckily they're giving us some warning regarding their whereabouts.

Now, pretty much every time we publish one of these DUI checkpoint lists, multiple people respond that we're helping out the bad guys. Let's get this straight: Cops want you to know they're out there. That way maybe you'll think twice about getting behind the wheel after one too many.

Here's your DUI enforcement info courtesy of the local law:

Tonight from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., a DUI checkpoint will be awaiting your arrival at Soto Street and Olympic Boulevard in Boyle Heights.

Tonight from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., the Los Angeles Police Department will be running a checkpoint on Manchester Avenue and Avalon Boulevard in South L.A.

Sunday from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m., extra cops will hit the streets of the LAPD's Foothill Division. The department calls this a DUI saturation patrol.

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