In the literary world, authors often draw upon their own personal experiences to craft narratives that resonate with readers. These narratives, rooted in real-life trials and triumphs, carry an authenticity that is hard to replicate. Author, Morgan Christie, draws from her personal experiences to convey compelling messages about race, gender, and injustice in her recently released collection of autobiographical essays, titled Boolean Logic.
For some people, personal trials can serve as a wellspring of inspiration for their creative pursuits. Christie exemplifies this inspiration through the channeling of her life experiences into essays, poetry chapbooks, and short story manuscripts that challenge societal norms and provoke meaningful conversations.
Christie's debut chapbook, Variations on a Lobster's Tale, received significant recognition when it earned the 2017 Alexander Posey Chapbook Prize. This early success set the stage for her continued growth within the industry. Since then, Christie has been the recipient of the Arc Poem of the Year Prize, a National Magazine Award, Digging Press Chapbook Prize, the Doro Boehme Fiction Award, features on platforms such as Buzzfeed, Poet & Writers, Forward Art National Poetry Day Exhibit, etc., and various other honors; including, the 2023 Howling Bird Press Book Prize, for her essay collection, Boolean Logic.
With Boolean Logic, Christie invites readers into her personal world, where they can accompany her on a reflective journey. This collection of 12 essays delves into topics as diverse as sports and athletics, politics, and social awareness. Through her keen eye and introspective storytelling, Christie sheds light on issues such as race, gender, and injustice, offering readers a unique perspective that is deeply personal and profoundly thought-provoking.
Christie, while exploring various facets of her life, poses questions and presents critiques of society's handling of the critical issues addressed in Boolean Logic. By illustrating her own experiences, as well as those of family and friends, with an acute focus on her father, she compels readers to confront uncomfortable truths and reevaluate their own ideologies. It's a literary journey that challenges preconceived notions and urges us to be more conscious of the circumstances around us.
With the recent release of Boolean Logic, readers get a collection of essays that are both emotionally charged and intellectually stimulating. Christie's talent for articulating her interpretations and observations shine through in these essays, making indifference seem less palatable. Her writing is a call to action, urging us to confront the realities of the themes she discusses with empathy and understanding.
About the Author: Morgan Christie's work has appeared in Callaloo, Room, Hawai'i Review, Sport Literate, and elsewhere. She is the author of four poetry chapbooks and her full-length short story collection 'These Bodies' (Tolsun Books, 2020) was nominated for the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award in fiction. Her essay collection, Boolean Logic is the winner of the Howling Bird Book Prize (2023) and her novella 'Liddle Deaths' (Stillhouse Press) is due out in 2024.
Author’s Website:
Nbc/Wxii interview: Triad author Morgan Christie talks new book releasing November 14
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