Recently, I started taking an all-natural male enhancement pill called VigRX Max Volume. This dietary supplement is known as a “volume enhancer,” meaning it aims to provide guys with larger, more forceful, increasingly pleasure-filled orgasms.
You see, sex is a pretty important part of my life. Like most guys, I want to have the best sex possible. That includes having a massive orgasm every time. In the past, I’d sometimes go a week without cumming to build up to an enormous explosion.
Those finishes were terrific. But the six days leading up to it were pure torture. I was walking around with a loaded gun. And my finger was constantly on the trigger. After a while, these week-long streaks had me pulling my hair out.
Then a friend recommended VigRX Max Volume. I’d never heard of it, but my pal told me he’d been taking it for a month, and his results were excellent. According to him, his sex life had never been better, he was consistently shooting massive loads, and his wife was burning with lust.
After doing some research, I decided I’d try VigRX Max Volume. And I’m going to share my results with you.
But first, let’s rundown exactly what VigRX Max Volume is and how it works.
VigRX Max Volume uses a unique proprietary formula designed to enhance your orgasm. The goal is for you, as the user, to have stronger sexual climaxes and feel more satisfied during and after sex.
VigRX Max Volume claims to provide:
As you can see, the main focus of this supplement is to take the male orgasm to the next level. It may do this partially by increasing testosterone production, among other factors. There are indications that it can also improve sex drive or libido for some guys. More on that later.
I had many questions initially. Do I need this? Will it help me? Is it safe?
The truth is, I’m getting older, and I’m not the guy I once was.
Most guys begin to experience declining masculinity and sexual health around thirty. By the age of forty, forget about it. We’re heading downhill rapidly.
Unfortunately, as we age, our testosterone levels progressively worsen. Testosterone is vitally essential to male health, especially sexual health.
Symptoms can rear their ugly head in several ways. Maybe, we’re constantly tired or lacking in sex drive. Perhaps we derive less pleasure from sex. Sometimes when we climax, it’s just a trickle rather than a powerful eruption.
If you’re dealing with decreased semen volume, reduced orgasms, or not getting as much pleasure from sex as you once did, VigRX Max Volume could be suitable for you.
Even if you’re perfectly healthy, but you want to have bigger orgasms and great sex, this proprietary formula may be able to help you.
I’ve done the work so you wouldn’t have to. My conclusion is that VigRX Max Volume is an elite male health supplement.
What exactly makes an elite male enhancement pill? What sets it apart from the competition?
These are essential questions.
I’m pretty careful about what I put into my body. After all, it’s the only one I’ll ever have.
With that in mind, it was important to me to do my homework before deciding whether or not to take VigRX Max Volume. After some serious digging, I discovered which boxes need to be checked for a male health supplement to be considered elite.
Key characteristics include:
The consensus among health professionals is that any high-end health supplement should meet all of these standards.
I was intrigued to find that VigRX Max Volume met these stringent criteria. At this point, I was beginning to think this product could work.
The information I had gathered had me thinking positively. But a pros & cons list always helps me to gather my thoughts.
Here’s the list of pros & cons I came up with for VigRX Max Volume.
As you can see, the pros heavily outweighed the cons.
I was pretty sure that VigRX Max Volume was an excellent product, but it wouldn’t come super cheap. And I couldn’t run down to the supplement shop to get it.
Prices ranged between $33.00 and $60.00 for a month’s supply. I’ll give you a complete price breakdown later. But, buying a few months’ worths saved a significant amount of money.
VigRX Max Volume works to naturally nourish the male reproductive system with revitalizing nutrients, amino acids, and organic compounds.
The male orgasm consists of three phases. The active ingredients in VigRX Max Volume work to invigorate each stage.
The affected processes are:
Think of it like building a house. You start from the foundation and work your way up.
VigRX Max Volume is similar in that it begins by enhancing semen volume. More volume leads to larger ejaculations.
When the reproductive system produces thicker loads with more volume, the brain naturally signals the reproductive organs to expel the semen with more force.
More volume released with more force means more powerful, more pleasurable orgasms for you.
The key to creating a more powerful orgasm lies in the active ingredients.
All of the ingredients in VigRX Max Volume serve a specific purpose. Health professionals have developed every serving to deliver each component in the optimal dosage. And they are all backed by clinical testing.
These are the facts that inspired confidence in me.
Let’s break down the ingredients one by one.
Earlier I mentioned that elite male enhancement products use enhanced absorption technology. Another way to say this is that great supplements contain bioavailability enhancers.
Unfortunately, the body destroys many of the nutrients we consume. The digestive process can be pretty damaging in terms of nutrient absorption.
Bioavailability enhancers protect nutrients and allow the body to absorb and use said nutrients more efficiently.
AstraGin is a US-patented bioavailability enhancer.
A recent clinical review found that bioavailability enhancers can be “used to increase the bioavailability of the compounds or their respective constituents (in case of herbal extracts)”1.
The study found that bioavailability enhancers are new but effective at increasing nutrient absorption. And they may play a significant role in the future of medicine.
Lecithin is a fatty substance essential for maintaining cell health throughout the body. It exists in eggs, soy, seeds, nuts, and meats. It’s common in health supplements.
Many soy-based products contain high amounts of lecithin. However, research indicates this form of lecithin can increase estrogen levels.2 Increased estrogen levels can have seriously degenerative effects on masculine health.
For that reason, VigRX Max Volume contains sunflower-based lecithin, the simplest form for the body to absorb with no adverse side effects.
Studies have shown that lecithin can positively affect sperm health, increasing semen volume.3
L-Arginine is a vital amino acid that significantly contributes to male sexual health. It’s in meats, nuts, and dairy products. The HCL represents the salt form of the amino acid, which is easiest for the body to absorb.
Studies have shown that L-Arginine supplementation can give men stronger, girthier erections.4
The reason is that arginine gets converted into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide enhances blood flow by relaxing blood vessels. Relaxed blood vessels lead to better erectile health.
On top of that, L-Arginine supplementation can improve semen quality and may enhance libido or sex drive, according to a 2018 study.5
Nourishing amino acids, like L-Arginine, are necessary to build healthy proteins. And these proteins make up a large portion of semen.
Therefore, L-Arginine can be beneficial for sexual health in men.
Zinc is a mineral that plays a prominent role in cell growth and other critical bodily functions. It’s not made naturally in the body. We only consume zinc in our diet.
A recent clinical study found that consuming the proper amount of dietary zinc supports proper “men’s health, germination, normal sperm function, and fertilization” 6.
That’s because zinc is essential in producing seminal fluid. And seminal fluid makes up about 70% of your cum.
Another study found that proper levels of zinc consumption can increase the level of testosterone in men.7
And as we know, testosterone is critical to masculine health. It factors into sex drive, energy levels, and muscle mass, among other health factors in guys.
Every dose of VigRX Max Volume gives you a healthy amount of zinc.
The elite ingredients in VigRX Max Volume, and the optimal dosage of each, make this product an incredibly potent male enhancement supplement.
I was blown away by the clinical evidence that exists for each ingredient. And that made me feel comfortable trying this product.
Not many supplements can boast such high levels of proven efficacy.
Safety first always. I’d never recommend putting anything in your body without fully understanding what it is and how it works.
As far as I know, VigRX Max Volume is 100% safe.
We’ll get to my experience shorty, but spoiler alert, I felt zero ill effects while taking it daily. Quite the opposite, actually.
And I’ve reached out to other users in person and online. None of them had anything negative to say about their experience.
Again, the proprietary formula is 100% natural. It contains no chemical additives.
It’s more closely related to a green smoothie than a pharmaceutical drug. From that perspective, the downsides seem minimal.
The makers claim that VigRX Max Volume works in just two weeks.
I did speak with some users who got substantial results in fourteen days. But several others mentioned they didn’t get results for three to five weeks.
The fact of the matter is we’re all different, and it may take longer for some of us to get results. The timing of results depends on several things, including age, health, genes, and diet.
With that said, I got results relatively quickly. I'll get into that more here soon.
I did my homework. The information I gathered did enough to reduce my fears. And I was ready to order my VigRX Max Volume.
After browsing a few potential providers, I bought my supply from Leading Edge Health. They had the best prices and customer service that I found. And their products are guaranteed with a 100% refund if you’re unhappy for any reason.
It took a couple of days, but the shipment arrived at my door. It was in a nondescript package and blended perfectly with my other online orders. If my neighbors got snoopy, they wouldn’t have been able to tell whether it was a new jacket or an electronic gadget.
The following day I took four capsules before breakfast, as recommended. And my journey was off the ground.
Here’s what happened next…
My excitement was high. And I began to take notes every day.
Day 4—I have nothing substantial to report yet. I do feel energetic and extra horny the last few days. But that could just be my imagination.
Day 7—It’s been one week today. I’m still feeling full of energy, and my libido is high. Let’s see what happens.
The first week went by without physical results. I couldn’t be sure if the mental results were legitimate just yet.
At this point, I was pretty sure something was happening. But I needed to see some more results.
Day 11—No question. It’s kicking in. I’m feeling great. My sex drive is higher, and my energy levels are off the charts.
Day 14—Today was the first day my orgasm was noticeably more significant than average. And I’ve had sex several times this week. It has been two weeks, right on time.
As I heard, the two-week mark was when you get results. And for me, that was proving to be true.
Now we were cooking. I was super satisfied with my sex life. And my girlfriend loved it, too.
Day 17—This stuff works. I was intrigued but also skeptical at first. But I’m having fantastic sex right now. The power of my orgasms has been crazy lately. I’m all in on this supplement.
Day 21—How do more guys not know about this? My girlfriend and I had sex three times yesterday. The force of each orgasm was incredible, and each load was massive. We haven’t done that in years.
After three weeks, I loved VigRX Max Volume. So much so that I ordered three more months' worth.
That’s right. I’m still using VigRX Max Volume daily. My girlfriend and I couldn’t be happier right now.
Our relationship is in a great place, and this volume-enhancing pill contributes significantly to my life. I plan to use it for the foreseeable future, and I’ve been telling all of my buddies about it.
I purchased my VigRX Max Volume through the Leading Edge Health official website. I’ve been delighted with their prices and customer service. I’m looking into buying a few more health products from them.
Buy in bulk and save some money. Your purchase comes with a 100% money-back guarantee anyways. There’s nothing to lose.
The prices look like this:
Clearly, the more you buy, the lower the cost per pill. If you can swing it, the year supply will get you the best bang for your buck.
Look, sex is an amazing part of life—a chance to be intimate with your partner, to feel great, and relieve stress.
Why not maximize that experience?
VigRX Max Volume can help you to have the best sex of your life.
We’re talking consistently powerful orgasms. And that’s not only going to feel good for you. My girlfriend tries to take me to bed every chance she gets these days. The enormous loads I spray turn her on big time.
So, if you’re a guy looking to get the most out of your sex life, VigRX Max Volume is worth it
It’s changed my life. I’m happier and more confident than I’ve been in years.
It could do the same for you.
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