BurialUntrue (Hyperdub)Burial, and this album in particular, is so special to me because it helped me find my place in music and hugely inspired my sound as a producer.
When I was a young teen I was messing around with music software and spending hours on electronic music forums. Through one of those forums I met a couple of producers based in Athens, and after a year of talking and collaborating online I decided to get on a plane to go make music with them (from Australia to Greece as a 19 year old to go meet some dudes from the internet - my poor mother LOL!) Luckily, they were awesome and we had the best time geeking out over music, going to raves, and they introduced me to Burial - which honestly changed my life.
From Athens I traveled on a shoestring through Portugal, Spain and Morocco with Burial as the soundtrack. I eventually ended up in London and got a job working on the door at The End (a legendary dance music nightclub that is sadly no more). I used to listen to Burial every morning sitting on a night bus on the way home from my shift - which I feel like is the perfect setting to experience his music. Listen to his song Night Bus? -- haha.
In short, I kind of started producing the music that I did because of Burial. I fell in love with the layered ambient textures, pitched RnB samples, lo-fi garage drums and dark gritty mood; and this inspired me and helped me find my way as a young producer. I'm still a huge fan of Burial to this day.
Kita new single Follow?with Zhu and?featuring?Jeremih is out now.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=oMKuoREGsio&feature=emb_logo title=YouTube video player frameborder=0 allow=accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture allowfullscreen>
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