National Report Confirms Halloween Is Kind of a Big Deal in L.A.

Los Angeles has had its share of creepy clown sightings, and we're not just talking about spotting Donald Trump on an Access Hollywood bus. It's a freaky town, where people are often encouraged to embrace their alter egos. In other words, Halloween is a big deal here.

The real-estate website Zillow gets that. Its annual Trick-or-Treat Index ranks L.A. as the fifth-best city among 20 big American metros for getting that candy.

Zillow set out to find the cities where kids can get the best and most candy in the shortest amount of time, and have other kids to trick-or-treat with, according to the site. Zillow's team of economists looked at home values, single-family home density, crime rate, and the share of the population under 10 years old to determine the list.

We were beaten by Philadelphia (ranked first), San Jose (second), San Francisco (third) and Milwaukee (fourth).

Zillow also broke down the best neighborhoods in Los Angeles for trick-or-treating. The communities are decidedly upscale, so expect top-shelf candy (and difficult parking). They are:

1. Bel Air

2. Pacific Palisades

3. Brentwood

4. Beverly Glen

5. Hollywood Hills

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