We watch too much TV. Because Americans continually seem to have this distance between fantasy and reality. No, you're not a porn star. And "fit" doesn't mean 40 pounds overweight (although it could mean relatively fit in this country).
But, damn, we love ourselves. Even naked. The latest survey from L.A.- and Chicago-based Playboy magazine finds that about one out of four of us have taken (or posed for) nude photos and video. Heck, even a onetime Congressman (upstate New York's Christopher Lee) gave us partial nudity in the name of Craigslist love (or lust).
But judging by Arnold Schwarzenegger's taste in side action, many of us don't want to see the pictures.
Strangely, more men than women admit to having been photographed or filmed nude (admit is a key word here), with 27 percent of males and 23 percent of females saying yes, they posed al fresco. (When why are there so many more pictures of nude chicks floating around?).
What's more -- and this is the new frontier, fellow Americans -- 15 percent of men and 9 percent of women admit to getting in on in front of the camera, too, according to the Playboy 2011 Sex Survey. So Kim Kardashian isn't the only one.
In the age of sharing intimate details with strangers friends on Facebook and Twitter, it's no wonder that modesty is so last century.
One-third of men and nearly one in four women have used a dating site while already in a relationship.
Scary one: One quarter of men and one out of five women "don't worry about protection." We've pondered this one before. Are we now officially post-AIDS
And, finally, here's a shocker: 40 percent of young people 18-24 say they're still virgins.
So sweet.
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