After the city of L.A passed a law requiring that condoms be used at studio porn shoots in Los Angeles, you'd think this battle was over. But it has only just begun.
The L.A.-based porn industry's lobbying group this week issued a response to claims of victory over the issue by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which has been on a years-long mission to require condoms in adult video (so far to little effect).
AHF says it has the signatures to bring the rule before a countywide vote in November.
On Wednesday AHF issued results of a survey it commissioned: A majority of L.A. County voters (63 percent -- and 77 percent of women) would vote for a measure that would make condoms in porn a countywide requirement.
The group also said it had enough voter signatures, 235,000, to take their initiative to the people.
The industry has been fighting this effort at every step, arguing that its twice-a-month STD testing for performers works and that consumers won't buy condom porn.
With or without the AHF, no one seems to be enforcing condoms in adult video, at least not too often.
Anywho, the porn lobby known as the Free Speech Coalition this week railed against the AHF, arguing that its countywide campaign really has no effect on public heath.
FSC executive director Diane Duke says:
The poll is a failed attempt to distract from the real issue that adult production has no impact or influence on the rate of HIV in LA County. The County itself has proven time and time again that HIV rates in LA County are not influenced by adult film production.
The porn group estimates that AHF is spending $2 million on its ballot initiative, and it wonders if the money could be put to better use elsewhere.
It's time for AHF to stop blaming the adult entertainment industry for its lack of efficacy in the provision HIV education of health services. IF AHF isn't going to use the resources it gets from state and local governments and its donors wisely, then perhaps those resources should go to the other AIDS organizations who understand and will stay focused on their mission.
[@dennisjromero / / @LAWeeklyNews]
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