Porn Industry Group Finally Reports HIV Case To L.A. County Health Officials

The porn industry's main health-care organization caved and sent the results from a positive HIV test to the county, as mandated by state law.

The Adult Industry Medical (AIM) Healthcare Foundation turned the results in Tuesday following pressure from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which argued that the deadline for turning positive test results in this case was Saturday.

AIM argued that a more comprehensive test to confirm its original positive result had to be completed in order to fulfill state and local guidelines and that it was waiting for those results.

Sounds bullshitty to us.

County Public Health Director Jonathan Fielding has said the extra test was unnecessary.

News of an HIV positive performer -- reportedly a man known on both straight and gay sets -- hit last week, prompting AIM to ask any actors who had performed with him to stop working until they're tested and cleared.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation, meanwhile, has been leading a year-long charge against the industry, pressuring the state to mandate that condoms be used on-set and urging the city -- so far unsuccessfully -- to stop issuing permits for porn shoots.

[Adult Video News].

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