See the latest here: Porn Professor Hugo Schwyzer Attempts Suicide.
The Porn Professor of Los Angeles is taking a break from teaching XXX, he announced this week.
Hugo Schwyzer, 46, also has quit the Internet, as outlets are reporting, although that's not entirely true: He continues to blog about his life at his website. The thing is, the Pasadena City College faculty member, known for bringing porn star James Deen to speak to his students, is tired of the comments:
Yep. Social media put him in a bad state, Schwyzer tells the Weekly. Following revelations of a sexting affair with a 27-year-old, folks took to the Internets to roast the academic as a woman hater.
The prof notes that when people comment on writings -- he has penned articles for the Atlantic, where he was a columnist, Gawker and Jezebel, among other outlets -- it's almost always negative. Those who are pleased, he says, rarely weigh in.
And so, Schwyzer says the negativity has weighed heavily on him, and he's pulling his popular porn class as a way to heal mentally and to remove it as a magnet for hate.
I've had a mental breakdown, he told the Weekly today.
His own revelations of an attempted suicide and murder of an ex-girlfriend 15 years ago have resurfaced in some of the criticism, he says, making his position as the nation's most famous male feminist harder and harder to live up to.
(Schwyzer is not without defenders).
Because of his defense of men, admitted dalliances with students 20 years ago, past drug addition and pro-porn attitude, some critics have been venomous toward the prof. His critics focused on Twitter more than anything.
... The toxicity of takedown culture is exhausting and dispiriting, Schwyzer writes on his blog.
And so he quit the microblogging site.
The professor told us he spent a week in Las Encinas Hospital for mental issues, including deep depression and suicidal thoughts.
I've gotten more and more criticism over my role and over my past, he said. I get thousands of comments. I get hate mail. I get death threats. I know women who write online get that, too. It just got to be too much.
Although other reports have noted a tension between faculty and administrators at PCC, the prof had kind words for the college:
They have a history of supporting faculty who are going through hard times.
He seemed bummed that the porn class would not be offered in fall. (The prof said he would continue teaching his other courses come late August.) Schwyzer:
The course matters. It should be a standard offering. Everyone's using porn, and if they aren't they know someone who is. Let's talk about how it affects our lives and our views on gender. Let's deal.
He says he plans to bring the class back when he feels better.
We called the college for comment but had yet to hear back.
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