Porn Star Tested Twice as 'Reactive,' But Eight Other Exams Showed Him HIV Negative

The porn industry's trade group, the Free Speech Coalition, today unveiled details of how its latest HIV scare came to be.

A performer initially had a positive indication, setting off a shut-down of production, and sparking a war of words between the FSC and L.A.'s pro-condom AIDS Healthcare Foundation. But he eventually came up negative.

According to an FSC statement, here is the timeline of what happened:

-On Aug. 20 the patient took a PCR/NAT test that came up "reactive" for HIV, indicating exposure to the virus.

-Immediate follow-up Western Blot and ELISA tests turned up negative, however.

-Then, on Aug. 29, he got another follow-up test, this one a "PCR/DNA," test, at Talent Testing Services. Again, he got a scary "reactive" result.

-Immediate Western Blot and ELISA follow-up tests, however, came up negative.

-On Aug. 31 Talent Testing Services told the performer that an additional PCR/DNA test turned up negative.

-On Sept. 3, follow-up PCR/RNA, Western Blot and ELISA tests by Advanced Medical Testing Centers, a facility recommended by the industry's health organization, turned up negative.

The FSC says this is all according to the porn star's account: It has requested that he release these records, and he agreed, but it doesn't have them yet.

The FSC:

When test results were returned by AMTC and after consultation with medical advisers, FSC/ was satisfied that the moratorium on content production could be lifted this past Saturday.


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