Porn's Condom Mandate Could Go Statewide Under Isadore Hall Legislation

Even as the porn industry is resisting local laws requiring condom use during adult film production, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation is taking its safe-sex fight statewide.

L.A. state Assemblywoman Isadore Hall is expected to introduce legislation that would make condoms the law for adult video not just in the city and county of L.A. but across the Golden State. And [correction] she's he's announcing it on a special occasion:

Valentine's Day. How romantic.

The AHF is behind mandatory condom laws for on-location shoots in the city of L.A.; an AHF-spearheaded initiative approved by voters in November takes that a step further and applies it to adult production in most parts of L.A. county.

Now the great state of California is in its sights. The AHF:

Hall's legislation will provide statewide uniformity needed to ensure that the thousands of actors employed in this multi-billion dollar industry are given reasonable workplace safety protections needed to reduce exposure to HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

The group plans to roll out more details during an 11 a.m. news conference at its Sunset Boulevard headquarters.

The industry has argued this:

Consumers won't buy condom porn, thus forcing production underground (where it would be less safe), or out-of-state (which could divert billions of dollars worth of business from a state that needs it)

Adult-biz leaders have also said that porn's monthly (and twice-a-month) STD testing for performers works.

Some porn titans have already filed suit in an attempt to stop the county initiative.

[@dennisjromero / / @LAWeeklyNews]

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