Struggling to gain leads and profit from Google Ads?
Trying to fix your strategy but ran adrift on new ideas?
Are you tired of revising campaigns with no results had?
If so, worry not as the tips below will help your ads and campaign performance thrive like never before.
If you are like most who have little know-how in running Google Ads, you may wish to pass on the steps in this guide and entrust ads in the hands of a trusted Google Ads agency like LachiMedia as with such a service, you get to run ads at the top of Google that are overseen by a team of ads specialists that make sure you get the most views and traffic for the lowest cost-per-conversion possible.
Tips for Running Google Ads and Paid-Search Campaigns
Running profitable, high-ROI search campaigns is an art to learn and master but to simplify the task, we will share easy but useful tips for running Google Ads so you can get results worth writing home about.
While often forgotten and overlooked, the design of your site is critical to paid search campaign results.
From tweaking ad bids and sales copy to assessing competitor ads to see where you may be going wrong in your approach, there is surely lots to take your time or effort as you strive to optimize your campaign, and we can safely say it is very easy to be consumed or wrapped up in all the data, metrics, and insights.
This can be an issue as the goal of pay-per-click ads is to get sales, and even with good ads or sales copy, sales and conversions will be hard to garner if your home or landing page design is not on point. Keep in mind, as soon as your ad is clicked the user goes right to your site, so you need a design that can convert visits into paying clients.
Optimizing a landing page for conversions is as simple as making ads align with the topic and message of your landing page, which means you want to sustain consistency among ad copy and keywords in both the ad and website content (this not only helps to increase sales and CTR rates but lowers CPC rates and the cost of acquiring customers too).
Maximizing your budget and earnings begins with a great landing page that can convert leads you spend your hard-earned funds to receive, so be sure to spend some time on your design or hire a pro designer if you lack the expertise to (your results will soon be glad you did).
Nothing is worse than paying for clicks from searches that are not relevant to what you sell or offer but thankfully, with the ability to exclude keywords you wish to not show up for, you can ensure you get the precise traffic you are after. Let us say you run a residential construction company, what you can do is redact phrases like ‘commercial construction companies’ so you only get seen and visited by those that specifically need a company or contractor to build a new home, the power of this easily speaks for itself.
Essentially, these keywords tell Google everything your service or product is and all that it is not so be sure to exclude any that are not relevant; add them to campaigns or to ad groups, or even to your entire account you may have set up.
Leverage Keyword Matches
To start, pay-per-click marketing is a direct traffic source and marketing channel, and for Google to send you targeted traffic, they rely on keywords you give them to determine the intent of a user before they show your ad to them; the nature of this search engine that shows results based on inputted keywords.
It is safe to say keywords and modifiers used in your ad campaigns have impact on the results you have, let us cover the keyword match types that let you tell Google what your content or keywords are about:
Keyword matches give Google the freedom to show your ads for queries that may slightly vary from the exact term of search phrase you added.
Broad Match, this casts the largest net and shows ads for searches that may not be relevant to what you offer. As an example, if you target the word contractor, you may show up for searches like 'kitchen remodel' or 'drywall installation', which is why an automated bidding strategy is suggested. As the name implies, broad keywords let ads pair with the widest possible range of searches that are, to a degree, still relevant to your keyword(s), this match type is the default option that lets you reach the most people possible.
Exact Match, this shows your ads for searches that have the same intent or meaning as your keyword, this does give you lots of control over who views your ads but reach and impressions will be lower.
Phrase Match, this match type gives more traffic than exact matches but less than broad matches as it only shows ads for searches that include your service/product. Put simply, you enter your product in quotes, like "hiking shoes" or "bed for back pain", and then Google will only display your ad to those that included them in their search.
Fill All Ad Content Fields
ETAs (expanded text ads) were laid to rest in June 2022 with RSAs (responsive search ads) taking its place. These ads let you use two paths, a mobile URL, four descriptions, and fifteen headlines. Each time an ad shows, Google shows two to three headlines and one to two descriptions, and in any order they choose unless you pin a position for them to follow.
Run Google Ads Like a Pro
From ridding keywords that bring no value to creating high-conversion landing pages that convert traffic with ease, there is surely no shortage of ways to boost and maximize the performance of your ads but if you ever feel lost with no sense of direction, consult a vetted Google Ads agency like LachiMedia to get the most from your ads and hard-earned funds.
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