Rape Survey Finds 1 in 4 Men From Select Asian Countries Have Done It

Phew. It looks like parts of Asia might have a rape problem.

A new study published in the journal Lancet Global Health found that, on average, more than 1 in 10 men (11 percent) from China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Papua New Guinea admitted to having raped someone who wasn't their partner:

The percentage was as high as 26.6 percent in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, researchers said.

For all the countries the number went up to nearly 1 in 4 (24 percent) when women who were partners -- girlfriends and wives -- were included, according to a summary of the findings.

About 10,000 men were surveyed as part of the study, which was funded by the United Nations.

Among the findings:

-Reasons listed for rape included "sexual entitlement" (73 percent), "entertainment" (59 percent) and "punishment" (38 percent).

-Alcohol was a factor in more than 1 in 4 (27 percent) of the reported rapes.

-More than half (about 58 percent) of the men surveyed who admitted raping someone who was not their partner committed their first rapes as teenagers.

-And less than 1 in 4 (about 23 percent) had ever seen jail time.

According to a summary:

Men with a history of victimisation, especially childhood sexual abuse and having been raped, or otherwise sexually coerced, themselves were more likely to have committed rape than those without such a past. A history of physical violence towards a partner, having paid for sex, or having had a large number of sexual partners were also associated with an increased likelihood of having committed rape against a non-partner.

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