Rare Hearts and Radioheads
(Jay Braley)

Rare Hearts and Radioheads



In Rainbows (Self-released/XL)

Rare Hearts and Radioheads: Rare Hearts told us about their love for a Radiohead classic.

 width= (Radiohead/XL)

Rare Hearts: My favorite album is one of the hardest questions to answer! It can change on any given day between, Mac Millers Circles or Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly or Radioheads In Rainbows.

And still the list can go so much deeper. From classic rock to modern hip hop to soul and R&B -- believe me when I say I’m struggling to choose just one!

But for today, if am choosing one, I’d have to go with. In Rainbows by Radiohead! From all of the instrumentation and vocals -- it’s an album I can turn on and listen through completely anytime and anywhere!

Rare Hearts and Radioheads: Rare Hearts' single "Good Mantra" is out now.

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